Chapter Five: Busy, busy, busy.

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1:05pm, June 30th, 1985.

The day went on as usual. I went to The Post to not only find Nancy telling me today isn't a good day, and then to also see that room full of men laughing their asses off. I did as much as I could to please her, so I sogged up some of their burgers a little too much today.

Their reactions were priceless.

"What the fuck?"

"Shit, I cant even eat the damn thing like this. Its just mush!"


of course, she played her, "I didnt make them!" card and then shooed her off.

I decided to drive to Melvalds to see if i could stop by early at the Byers tonight. That way I might be able to find a way to see Billy tonight.


"Ms. Byers?" I inquire.

"Y/N! Oh thank god you're here..." i see her as she walks from the back where i saw hopper standing.

"Hey Chief!" I say back to him as I can see him admiring joyce.

aww, how cute!

"Look I dont want to talk about this around Hopper yet just because I'm not entirely sure if my hunch is right or not, so I need you to look like you need help finding something until he leaves."


We hear "Uh, ya know Joyce? I think- I think im gonna take off"

"Okay hop, let me know how it goes tonight, okay? Okay bye!" she pushes him out the door and turns back to me and says "Gosh he makes everything so awkward and complicated..."

I chuckle to myself as we walk towards the front of the store, and she picks up something from her desk.

a magnet?

"This is what I need your help with-"

"A magnet, Ms. Byers? I-I'm confused..." i muffle as she shows me the colorful piece.

"It fell off my fridge this morning." she says with big, convincing eyes.

"I don't see what the problem is, Joyce."

"I think it might be... The Lab." she explains to me as she looks around worried, like if those assholes were listening.

i sigh and close my eyes. "Ms. Byers, i really should go-"

"No! You cant! Look... can you at least, hold it? See if you feel... o-or see anything? I know you said your powers haven't been working very well recently..."

Thats a lie.

They're working perfectly fine, I'm just trying to have a normal life for once and am striving not to use my powers as much as possible! Okay, so? I might have told a white lie.

"I- fine. Okay, yeah I'll hold it."

I take the magnet into my hands and feel nothing.



I close my eyes and see if I could maybe find something or a place linked to them.

"Sorry, nothing."

"aarghghr," she lets out in frustration.

"Can you still come by tonight after my shift an- and see if you can feel anything at my house? or- or take it with you an-and see if you feel something later?"

I sigh.

"Sure, Ms. Byers. It's no problem."

"Oh thank you! Ah, okay go have fun with your day!"

"Bye!" I waved through the window as I got in my car.



Now what?

I could go catch a movie, shop maybe?

I could hang at the pool.

No, cant do that. My swimsuits at Billy's, I have no way in because his dad can't know about me.

I'll hang at the mall. Why not?


Once I got there, I could see that it was swarmed by people. More than usual!


I don't want to deal with that many people if I'm just going to go in and not purchase anything.

I sat in my car, thinking.
Maybe i could go to the pool. Like a little bit? See Billy, update him on the day.

Haahahah, see him looking all hot and sweattttyyy.

Yeah sure!

I make my way over to the pool trying to find parking.


As I park and get out, I can easily see through the fence Karen Wheeler talking to Billy Hargrove.

Of course!

Wait, what? Why is he leaning over and whispering to HER UH UH NO THATS MY THING YOU FUCKING BITCH.

I say in my head because I know for a  FACT if i go do anything I would ruin him jokingly teasing her.

And her heart would be...


Its fine, I trust him not to do anything.

Which is, quite weird? Because-its, BiLly?

But ya know, what can I do!

I hop back in my car stumped on what to do now.

More than anything.     Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now