Chapter Twelve: Lets regroup in the morning.

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9pm, July 2nd, 1985.

"Are you guys ok-" Lucas starts

"Lets go." i say.

no one moves.

"Lets go!" i tell them, and walk out of the locker room and towards the car.


i get in and start it, waiting for the kids to get in.

"Where are we going?" El asks, fatigued as she spoke.

"Mike's." i answer as i put the car in reverse, beginning to pull out of the parking spot.

"Uh, no. My mom would kill me if she saw you guys down there-"

i slam my foot on the break.

"Mike. We're all pretty shook up and mentally drained from this and some of us, like me and your girlfriend here, are physically drained and hurt. So I'm sorry if your mom gets mad that you're gonna have three teenage girls sleeping in your basement tonight, two of which saved your life! but i frankly dont give a shit.  so it would REALLY NICE if you all just sit here and be quiet and THANKFUL you all even HAVE somewhere to go tonight!" i finish.

no one says anything.

"Do... you... CHILDREN, UNDERSTAND?!?"

"Yes!" i hear them say as a group.

"Thank you." i exhale.


the drive to Mikes felt long, and most definitely was silent.

as we get closer, i turn off my headlights so no one in the house would suspect anything, and park up on the street.

i turn the car off and we all exit.

"Will, get up we're here." i tell him since he fell asleep.

"i guess we should've listened to our own advice." Max says as she walks up to me.

"Yeah, i guess we probably should've."


Mike opens the basement door and we all scurry in. Individually, all find a spot to sleep, mine near El's old fort.

"Uh, we'll regroup in the morning." i announce.

"And by the way guys, what i said in the car-"

"its Okay Y/N." Max chimes in.

"Yeah. we understand." Lucas finishes as everyone agrees.

"Thanks. Goodnight guys." i say before immediately falling asleep.

6:34am. July 3rd, 1985.

I wake up to find the kids surrounded by El, who has a blindfold on.

who is she trying to find?

"i found him." El says.

"Where is he?" Max questions.


"Woods?" Lucas wonders.

"He's with... Will's mom." she replies.

"My-my mom?"

those fucking magents.

"What are they doing?" says Max.

"Ill...annoy." El answered.

Everyone looks around in confusion.

"They're going to Ill-annoy."

More than anything.     Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now