Chapter Eleven: The Sauna Test.

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2:14pm, July 2nd, 1985.

after discussing with the group what the full plan was, everyone finally started gathering everything we needed, while max and I stayed on the lookout to make sure Billy wouldn't go find them.

Max and I stay by the car as i lean against it, my back facing the pool.

"They're taking too long." Max complains as she keeps looking through the binoculars.

"They're fine-"

"Mike, are you there?" she radios in.

"Yeah!" Mike responds, almost as if it was obvious.

"Where are you guys?"

"I'm coming. Just...hold on a second." he says as Max sets down the walkie on the car hood, and sighs.

"Max, whatever happens tonight, we have to keep in mind that its not him. Okay? I'm just as scared as you are. And, I want all of this to be over more than anything. So we have to be smart. If he tries playing the 'its not me' card-"

"We don't give in. Got it. God, I hope its not him. I really hope its not him." she responds.

"I know. Me too. i just want my boyfriend back." i say.

"and my brother."

"Y/N..." i hear Billy's voice deep but he isn't talking. its like it came out of nowhere.

i hear squeaking coming from the trees I'm facing.

I see a rat run and then stop, like somethings wrong.

I keep watching it, and hear a low frequency noise, get higher and higher.

The rat, explodes.

I'm rattled, and i close my eyes and when i open them its gone. Like it wasn't even there.

I guess it was just my iMaGiNaTiOn!

I don't even know whats real and what isn't anymore.

"Max, I'm gonna get in the car and cool down,"

"A-are you okay?"

"I'm sure i'm fine, i just need to cool off." I say as i walk about 5 cars down to my own and get in and turn it on, blasting the  AC, and i take a deep breath.

I look in the rearview mirror and see Billy sitting in the same spot he has been.

"God, the things I do for you." I say under my breath as I start to fall asleep.


The kids open my car's door and  Max shakes me awake letting me know everythings set, and now we just wait.


the pools closed, everyone left, except for Billy, and us.

we get in our places, and im just praying ge doesn't get too hurt.

"El," i say to her.

More than anything.     Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now