Chapter Eight: Home, Pool, Red Door.

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9:56am, July 1st, 1985.

"Y/N, help..." i hear a voice echo.

i wake up in complete darkness.

i put my feet to the ground and its wet.

shit, im having another nightmare.

i look around to see myself sitting on Billy's bed.

I stand up, and walk until i see Billy in his bathroom. i see him put something red in the trash can when i hear his voice, "Y/N! HELP!" but his mouth isnt moving.

i walk closer where im almost touching him, "Billy?" i whisper next thing i feel is his arm around my neck as im gasping for air and then-

i wake up panting and scared.

"oh my god!" i said gasping for air.

"woah woah woah Y/N what's wrong?"Max said

"i had a dream. a really bad one. Im fine, it happens a lot." thats a lie. nothing is ever like that. "Billy usually calms me down before anything like that happens."

"wow i didnt know my brother was such a romantic." Max laughs.

"ro-romantic?" El says.

"We'll explain later." Max and I say in unison.

"well, since we're all up, lets go find billy." Max suggests

11:00am, July 1st, 1985.

We start at his house.

"its gonna start pouring soon. We should be at the mall, or, like, watching a movie or something."

"you don't believe us?" El and I say together.

"El, i believe you saw some super weird stuff, totally, but you said Mike has sensed you in there before, right? Maybe it was just like that. Maybe Billy just, sensed you somehow."

"But the screams-" El said

"Yeah, i know, but heres the thing. When Billy is alone with a gir-"

"Max, stop. Dont go there." i told her.

"Y/N, im just saying. i know you dont agree, but its a possibility. Who knows, he might even be with Mrs. Wheeler-"

i cut her off and El looks horrified at Max's comment. "But Max, you dont know what El saw in there-"i explain as we approach their house and Max interupts me. (and turns out, if you take shortcuts from El's, you can walk to Billy's)

"His car's not here. You guys really want to do this?"

"I practically live here. Its nothing too scary." i tell El. "And aren't your parents home?" i ask.

"They left for some work convention this morning. we're in the clear."

we enter the house to find nothing.

billy's not there.

I join them in his bedroom to gather some of my personal things. I take my backpack and stuff a different outfit in there and along with my hairbrush, toothbrush, and a few extra scrunchies. Since i really dont know how long this could last.

"Max?" i hear Eleven say from the bathroom as Max and I both walk in there to join her.

The bathtub looks  like it nearly overflowed and has "ICE." bags floating around in the lukewarm water.

"Ice. It's just ice. Its probably for his muscles or something. He works out like a maniac."she says

"Haha, yeah he does." i laugh giddily, trying to stay sane.

More than anything.     Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now