Chapter Six: Magnets.

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I remember the magnet Ms. Byers gave me.

I mean, maybe she isn't SO wrong?

It wouldn't be anything new of her to have a hunch and then be right about it.

I take it out of my back pocket and close my eyes.

I see glimpses of the mall.

And a big machine.

Then they fade.

Next a rat, scurrying across the black water in the void.

I get nothing else before I stop and wipe my nose.

I sit there much longer, trying to find more.

I'm just not good enough yet.

5:20pm. June 30th, 1985.

I can't go home, most definitely not. Hell, it's not even my home anymore.

Hmm, I can go to The Hawk, see a movie with out a crowd. I'll even watch Day of the Dead since I didn't even watch it last night.

Okay, cool.


I'll go to the Byers.


As I walk up to the door and knock, I notice that they fixed the window since I last saw it.

That was not, a fun night.

"Oh good! You're here"

"Yeah, sorry I'm a little late, I decided to catch a movie before I came here and didn't realize how late it was-"

"Uh-yeah, it's fine... just come into the kitchen."

I tuck my car keys into my back pocket as I hear her say "Y/N, look!"

She picks up a magnet and tries to put it on the fridge. It falls to the ground.

"See? I told you! I'm not going crazy Y/N- around 6pm th-they just started shaking, and I was watching TV and I turned an-and they all fell to the ground-"

"Ms. Byers! I believe you! Okay? But tell me, PLEASE-"

"You felt something."

"What?" I ask.

"The magnet I gave you earlier, you felt something I can tell."

"Maybe. But I- I dont know!"

"What did you see, Y/N?"

I didnt say anything at first.

"I saw, glimpses of the mall. Then a bright machine, or something. And then I saw a rat! Haha, this doesn't help anything! Okay? I dont kno-"

"Mom I'm home!" we hear Will say.

"Wh-what are you guys doing?" he wonders

"Nothing. It's nothing Will." Joyce says as she walks to her room and closes the door.

"Y/N, what are you doing here?"

I walk over to the couch where he sits.

"Your mom... asked me about some stuff but i-its nothing. Um, anyways how have you been? You know since-"

"Fine. I've been fine. Summer, you know?"

"Uh, yeah..."

Well this is awkward.

Joyce walked out of her room and said "Thank you, for your help Y/N. Um, it's awfully late, do you just wanna stay here?"

"Actually, may I use your phone?"

"Yeah, of course."

I stand up from the couch and walk over to the blue phone. I punch Billy's number in and hear it ring for a while.

No answer.


I guess I'll try it again.

Nothing. Just a dial tone.

He's already asleep? Its only 8:30.

Ohhhh, he's probably closing the pool up early. It's Sunday.

"Uh, sure Ms. Byers. I'll stay here tonight. I can sleep on the couch its not a big deal..."

"Oh no, take my room. I could be up for a while."

I walk to her room, crawl in bed and try to fall asleep.

After a good 40 minutes, Will walks in frantically.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Y/N, you're the only one I can talk to about this."

"Um okay-"

"Last night at Day of the Dead, did you, feel, anything?"

"Well, what do you mean?"

"You know, what I mean."

"I don't know, I felt a little uneasy when the movie came back on-"

"Somethings going on Y/N. I just- I know it."

"I believe you, Will. But, what can we do? unless something happens, there's nothing to investigate. And by the way, if you ever need anything, you know you can always talk to me."

"Oh. Good to know. I might need it." he says as he stands up from the bed and goes back to his room.

"Goodnight, will."

"Goodnight Y/N."

Minutes later, he comes in talking about how nothing is the same between him and the party since Halloween.

This poor kid just wants to play DnD dude.

"You know I'll play with you Will. Just call me and K'll come on over-"

"Y/N, it's a more than two people game-"

"I'm just saying..." I muffle as I chuckle.

More than anything.     Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now