Chapter Four: I gotta go, douche bag.

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i went back to Billy's, which is practically my home now. I go back to my "actual" house every now and then when my dad isn't there to get new clothes, wash others. He still pays for my car, but I'm gonna apply to start working at the community pool with Billy soon so i can start doing everything on my own.

i get to Billy's and throw my regular three rocks at his window to let him know its me and he opens it for me.

"Back so early?" he asked me as i climbed through the window. "i take it that you told him."

"Yeah," i sigh.

"Should i take cover?" he jokes.

"heheh, if anything, he shouldn't even bother coming to find you. we all know he cant win a fight." i laugh back.

well, now that we're all up to speed, Billy and I are still together, and after that whole fiasco of little over a month ago, it's actually better than ever.

i now work at the Starcourt Mall in The Gap, here and there. Every other day, Monday through Friday. Billy wishes he could come and visit, but being a lifeguard means working every day. But, I come and hang out at the pool since i didn't get the job (and sadly see the travesty that is the sad mothers of hawkins drooling all over him). I even walk by the lifeguard stand just to tease him because he knows he can't do shit to me.

we go see movies sometimes. last night actually (June 29th), we went to go see day of the dead when the movie stopped working. it felt strange when it came back on, but i thought it was just my imagination.

Billy could tell I was uneased.

"Hey, whats wrong?"

"oh, nothing." i awkwardly smile. "im okay. Just, got a little worried we weren't gonna be able to watch the movie! Heheh,"

"It'll be fine. Its on now, so if you get scared... you could just look at me and we'll take this to my car..." he whispers glancing at me up and down and putting his arm around me.

"yeah?" i laugh as we both go into kiss eachother.

we really didnt watch the movie at all.

sometimes we just stay home while he tells me what summer in california was like.

"This place blows."

"Hey, dont say that! Look we have a mall, a pool, a, uh... a pool!" i try to convince him. "California was really that much better?" i ask him.

"Yeah. There was this one day, i was maybe 8 or 9, and uh, i was surfing. Now Y/N, i promise, the wave was at least seven feet tall. i gave my mom so many heart attacks that day. I used to go surfing all the time, and never got anything that tall." he laughs again and i laugh with him when i ask him a question.

"What did she look like?"


"Your mom, what did she look like?"

"Oh, she was pretty. Really pretty. Prettier than you!" I laugh at his comment.  "She wore a long, white dress, with a blue and red flower in the center of it. Uh, she had this hat? with a blue ribbon on it that i always wish i could've kept. Yellow sandals covered in sand."

"She sounds beautiful."

"She was. i just fucking hate how i 'couldn't go with her'. i miss her everyday." he says as he gets on his bed with me.

i sigh and pull Billy onto my lap so he's leaning on me and say, "I miss my mom too. She left when i was, 11? Maybe 12?" i play with his hair. "But, hey, look on the brightside!" gets up and turns to look at me. "If either one of us, both for that matter, left? We wouldn't have eachother!" i wink at him as he pulls me in for a kiss and we kiss for, much... longer.

its nice.


oh my god, except for that.

10:15am. June 30th, 1985.

"Billy take it easy on her okay-"

"WHAT BILLY?" Max says as she walks through his door.

"Where did you put my stereo?"

"Ugh I dont know Billy, it's probably in my room. You know, I had to block out you two being SO LOUD last night with all of your moans and groans-"

i chuckle and throw a pillow at her.

"Can... you... just... go get it?" he said through his teeth.

"No! Why? Because... i have to go! Lucas is here to pick me up to go to Dustins, remember? Bye Y/N!" she sassed Billy while running out the door.

"Bye Max!!"

"See Billy? That wasn't so hard! You didn't lash out or anything." I stood up and put my arms around his neck.

"Yeah, i know but OH MY GOD she can be SUCH A PRISS."

"But you know thats not a reason to get upset. Now go get your stereo and get changed so we can go"

"Yeah yeah yeah whatever." he walked to his closet to get his lifeguard tank top and swim trunks.

he put on his tank top and took off his boxers and slipped on his trunks.

"are you sure you cant come today?"he asked me, catching me off guard.

"Unfortunately, yes. Nancy wants me to stop by The Hawkins Post to see if I'm able to get an interview there to in order to 'put those assholes in their place', which wont work since i already have a job! Then, her boyfriend's mom wants me to go check something out for her and says it could 'take all night', so... busy day for me apparently. but.... work gave me the week off, since i've been working over time!Which... means... that i can come and watch you save people's lives at the pool every day this week!"

"But wait, youre saying you aren't even spending the night here?"

"Well, I mean maybe. But if I get done in time... I could give you call to see if you'll let me through your window." i spoke cheekily and winked.

"maybe..." he said seductively as he leaned in for a kiss, but turned his cheek saying "i have to go."

"ugggGhhhH, why do you fucking tease me like that?"

"Because its fun," he said giving that dreamy look he does.

"Well... then I have to go too! I should probably leave before your Dad sees a random car in his driveway when he wakes up." i say as i open his window and turn around to see billy standing right in front of me as he kisses me before i go.

and might I say, it was a looooooong kiss.

We might've even made out on his bed a while before I left, but that doesn't matter.


"I gotta go, douchebag."

"Oh so now im a douchebag?"

I jumped out the window and said "Hahah, you never weren't!" and shrugged.

"I love you Heartbreaker."

"Love you too douche bag, i'll call you tonight?" I ask while getting in my black mustang.

"Definitely." he responds putting a piece of gum in his mouth.


More than anything.     Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now