Chapter Fourteen: Being a Teenager is Hard.

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10:02pm, July 3rd, 1985.

"Y/N?!? Y/N, are you there? RIPOFF-" goes the walkie talkie.


Nancy starts. "Meet us at El's in the morning, okay?" she says frantically.

"Yeah, okay." i sigh. "We have to talk."

i turn off the radio, and head for home-


i have no where to go.

i would go to where i normally sleep, which is Billy's, but i dont know if Max's parents are back yet.


i need some girl time.

with a girl my own age.

i get back on the walkie talkie.


"What Y/N? Nancy's driving, but she can hear you." Mike goes.

"Hey, i, uh, was wondering... can i spend the night at your place?"

Nancy responds with, "yes. please!"

"Okay cool, im on my way."


Nancy and I pulled up to her house basically at the same time.

we walk inside and up to her room as we shout goodnight to Mike.

i go and sit on the right side of the bed, like i always do.

Nancy changes, and i keep my clothes on.

"do you want to change?" she asks me.

"No, im fine. i really dont think im gonna be getting much sleep."

"Are you okay?" Nancy asks me.

"To be completely honest, not at all.

you spend almost every hour of everyday with someone, expecting to spend more. like its granted. a given. and then the minute you leave them, everything goes to shit."

"Y/N, its not your fault-"

"Nancy! All... i have been thinking about for the last three days is how if i hadnt left, none of this would've happened. I could've gone to the pool with him! then gone home! and maybe, just maybe, this wouldn't be happening." Im standing up now.

Here come the tears again.

"do you know, how much i love him? he is my best friend. just like im yours. you know how we felt today? when i didn't go with you? what if, that was the last time you were ever going to see me? Not because something happened to you, but to me. and you, were the one that could've prevented it in the first place."

the top part of my shirt is wet from all of the tears i couldn't hold back.

"Y/N, come here..." Nancy says as she starts crying too and gets up to hug me as i let myself collapse out of exhaustion in her arms.

"its okay. i understand." she comforts me.

i stop crying realizing she never told be what happened at the hospital.

it really is insane how well crying works to get out emotion.

"by the way, what happened at the hospital?" i sniffle

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