Chapter Seven: Missing Boyfriend.

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Will and i stayed up all night talking. but eventually went to bed.

2:00pm, July 1st, 1985.

woahhhhh, i slept in so late.

"Ms. Byers? Will?" i walk into the kitchen to see a note left by Joyce.

"Had to leave for work at Mel's! Will is going to mall around 12pm. If you need any food, there's leftover's in the fridge! and again, thank you for last night. I know i might've seemed annoyed or frustrated, but im fine. have a good day sweetie."

more of a mom i ever had.

Before i left the byers, i decided to try and call billy again but stopped myself before remembering he was already at the pool.

I left, heading for the pool to see if i can find him there.


i get there and find nothing.

he's not up on the lifeguard stand.

not talking to mrs. wheeler.

but i see his camaro.

i walk over to the blue beauty only to find his windshield cracked.

so he's here, but where?

i run back to my mustang to find the spare pair of key's Billy gave me to his car, and sit in his seat.

i feel his steering wheel, open the glove box, search his back seats. anything to try and get a feeling from.

then i say fuck it, and look for him in my head instead of getting out of the car.

i take myself to the mens locker room.

lets just say: gross.

he isnt there.

maybe the equipment room.

not there either.

i decide to look one more time at the stand, and hes there.

he doesn't look too good.

maybe he's having a heat stroke, oh god.

he runs to the locker room and-

im back in reality.

"great, now i have a fucking headache!" i exclaim to myself as i wipe my nose.

i get out of the car and run back to mine. i look over my shoulder before i leave to try and see if he left the locker room, but i cant find him.

i could try and go in, but theres no way i could actually succeed.

i dont know what to do.

maybe ms. byers does.


i pull up to Melvalds to find it closed.


Her car isn't even here.

What the hell is going on with everyone?

im no use at trying to find anyone, especially with how long i last.

who can?


i exit my car and pull out 25 cents to put in the pay phone. I call Hopper's place.

"Hop here."

"Hey Chief, its Y/N. I was wondering if i could talk to El? I just have a few questions for her-"

"Oh she's at Max's they're going to have a sleepover" he explained as he hung up.

"What?" i speak to myself. "I guess i'll call max then."

i enter the same numbers i have the past 3 times in the last 24 hours.

"Hello?" a woman's voice said.

"Hi, is this the Hargrove residence?" playing dumb.

"Yes, can i help you?"

"I was wondering if i could talk to your daughter, Maxine?"

"Oh im sorry, uh, shes not here right now. Shes at the mall with her friend."

"The MaLl-"i start before i catch myself. "Right. the mall. Okay, thank you!"

shit, hoppers gonna be mAd.

and now, i have to go to that human zoo all because im worried about my fucking boyfriend and i think some serious shit might go down!


4:00pm. i start looking.


when i say, that i looked through the ENTIRE mall for them, I MEAN THE ENTIRE MALL.

not one sign of them.

now im just mad.

i sit in my car looking for El in the void.

"Oh thank god. Shes home, okay good" i exhale. okay cool. time to go."

i decide to drive to Hoppers and go talk to her.

7pm: had to stop for gas
7:15pm: got hungry and went inside to get food
7:34pm: finished eating
7:40pm: got on the road
8pm: got lost
8:15pm: pulled off to the side of the road
8:30pm: realized i forgot the directions to a cabin in the middle of the woods
8:32pm: remembered how to read the map in my glove box
8:33pm: realized i could just use my "witchy woo-woo powers" (as billy would say) to figure out how to get there
8:34pm: misses best friend and lovely boyfriend boy toy billy.

9pm, July 1st, 1985.

i get out of my car and whip the door open with my head, walking right through the house.

"Hey,hey, hey! what are you!-" i hear hopper say.

i open El's door to find El and Max sitting on her bed and hear Max say to her "What is it? What happened?" as El takes off her blindfold, gasping for air.


they stare at me in confusion.

"Y/N?" Max questions.

"i need your help. something with-"

"Billy." El says.

"Yeah. Im worried." i explain.

"Why?"Max asks.

I explain everything about how he didn't answer my calls last night, and him looking sick at the pool.

"i saw him. with a girl." El says.

"What did she look like?"

"brown hair, brown eyes.

"Heather? Did you see Heather?"

Eleven shrugged. "i-I dont know her name. but, he saw me."

"in the void?"

"yes." she answered.

"wha- th-thats impossible."i exhaled.

"you know what? guys, lets just go to bed and find him in the morning okay?" max smooths it over

shes right. we can clear our heads and find him easier.

god, i hope he's okay.

More than anything.     Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now