Chapter Ten: Connections.

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8:00pm, July 1st, 1985.

we got back to Max's.

"Hey, uh, you guys I'm gonna spend the night in Billy's room. See if i can feel anything? Plus, most of my stuff is in there... already. So, goodnight." I tell El and Max.

"Wait." i hear El say.


"Do you wanna... talk? about what happened? We know that's probably not the best place to have find him-" Max asked.

"I'm okay, really. but, uh, thank you." i say as i leave, but linger next to her door.


i hear Max say "We saw her. We both saw her. She's totally fine."

"What about Billy?" El asked

"What about him-"

"That wasn't him." I barged back into Max's room.

"He was different. I know Billy. He doesn't act like that. Ever." i explained.

"Maybe he was just trying to be nice?" Max wondered.

"Max, really? Does that sound very 'Billy' to you?" i retort.

"No..." she responded

"He seemed... wrong." El said.

"Exactly. Max, you cant say that he seemed normal, can you?"

she didn't answer.

"I'm going to bed, im exhausted. Goodnight you two."

"Night, Y/N." they say together.


i walk back to Billy's room and turn off the light, and lie in his bed.

Without him.

"I can't sleep." Billy whispers in my ear.

"Hmm, Why not?" I ask sweetly.

"You're snoring too fucking loud..."he laughs lightly into my ear as I smack his arm, laughing along with him.

the house is quiet for awhile when i start to fiddle with Billy's hand wrapped around my waist.

i twirl his ring around his middle finger, feel each finger, rub the back of his hand with my thumb.

i feel his stomach move in and out on my back and his breath on my shoulders.

i get lost in a trance of emotions.

"You deserve everything. Every opportunity. Stop being an asshole on the outside, you're truly so much better on the inside. You've helped me so much these last few months, more than anything or anyone has in my entire life. I love you, so much."

"More than...?"

i hear him speak. "You're still awake?? Billy... how much of that did you hear?!?" i laugh.

"All of it." he kisses my temple.

"And... I love you too."

More than anything.     Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now