Chapter Thirteen: Where are you, Billy Hargrove?

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7:11am, July 3rd, 1985.

everyone starts running up to her car from the basement.

"Nancy wait," i try to say as they all keep running.

i dont want to go anywhere else wasting time searching for a lost cause, if i can speed up the process.

everyone starts piling in the car.


"What? Y/N come on lets go-" she says.

"Look, what are you two trying to get at?" i ask both Nancy and Johnathan.

"to further prove my theory-"

"okay, nancy. what... is...
our... main goal? " i inquire.

"to find out what the hell is happening!"

"RIGHT!" i say throwing my hands up in the air. "Now, isnt it very dangerous... if while we are looking places and figuring out 'what the hell is happening', we dont know where our number one threat is? ESPECIALLY, if that said threat is trying to find us right now to get us out of the way so they can go through with their plan about taking over the world?!?!"

"Y/N, what are you getting at?" Johnathan asks.

"We need to find Billy! Okay? and if anything, i am your best bet. i am the closest person to him here. i know the ins and outs of his head!" everyone had gotten out of the car by now wondering what was going on. "He. trusts. me. im staying behind."

"Y/N, its best if we stay togeth-" Nancy says.

"Look, i know i may not be as good as El, or in general when it comes to finding certain people. i know! I am so much better if we need directions and i can find the location, but let me try. And maybe if i can find him, i can maybe see where all of this is coming from-"

"Let her do it." El defends me. "She will be better at finding him than any of us."

Nancy sighs. "Alright." She brings me in for a tight hug, catching me of guard. "Be safe, Y/N. Please."

"Hey, you're the one who's always ending up having to physically kill something." I chuckle. "I'll be okay. I love you." I say as she walks aways and gets in the car.

"I love you too, bitch." she says to me and i laugh.

"Here." Mike says as he tosses me a walkie talkie. "Radio in every hour to let us know what's happening. Your call signal is Ripoff 1."

"Really Mike? Just because i'm not as good as your girlfriend?" I laugh.

"No!" he pauses. "Okay, yeah, well maybe."

Everyone piles in the car again.

Before El gets in, she walks up to me. "Focus." she says.


"Billy. Focus on finding him. You will last longer. No emotions. Just find him."

"Thanks El. Take it easy."I say as i turn around to go walk over to my car while she nods and sweetly smiles.


i hop in my mustang, while i head to where i know i can get some goddam  peace and quiet.

and it also, just so happens to be Billy and I's spot. Maybe being somewhere reminding me of him will help me find him.


i pull up to the patch of green grass in front of Lover's Lake and turn my car off.

i start crying.

More than anything.     Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now