Chapter Fifteen: Let Me Help.

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1:45pm, July 4th, 1985.

"Why would it be any different? Wouldn't he possibly be just as violent?" Johnathan asks.

"If what my gut is telling me, that Billy is still in there, I can easily get through to him. I can make him remember memories, bring Billy back into the light." i explain.

"Make him not activated..." Will chimes in.

"Exactly. He'll tell me where the source is."

"But thats only if he is willing too. Wanting." Mike says.

"Billy has his issues, but he's not cynical. He is still a human being who does care for people." Max defends me.

"I can find it. I can find the source. He will open up to me, just like he always does." I say before Lucas interupts.

"Okay, but this is if you can find him. El already did, and you spent an entire day looking before you even got a glimpse. How do you expect to find him so easily now?"

i sigh out of frustration. "The other day, when El and I were in the void looking for Heather, we held hands. If we hadn't, I wouldn't have been able to see what she saw and last as long as she did. El already knows where Billy is, right? So if it's possible for her to give me a jumpstart..."

"You can find Billy." They say as a group.

"Oh thank god, my logic is finally making sense to you all!" i sarcasticly say. "Plus, Mike wasn't entirely wrong. El could use a break."

i look around and see they're skeptical faces. i turn to El. "Are you up for it?" i ask and she nods yes.

"Let. me. help. I can do this. Just... trust me." i finished exasperated.


"Y/N, are you sure you want to do this?" Max asks me from the couch as i head over to sit on the floor.

"More than anything." i respond.


i sit on the ground with El and we nod as we hold hands.

i open my eyes to see darkness, with Billy sitting on our bed staring at nothing. i look over at El and say "Im okay." as she lets go.

i walk over to Billy, slowly. i hear him breathing, its so quiet.

i look down at my left hand, seeing the ring, shaped like a crown that he gave me back in May, resting on my middle finger. i glance over to his right hand, where his matching one resides, and reach for it. i lightly grip his hand, pulling it up to reach my face as i get down on my knees to make same level eye contact.

"Billy." I whisper.

"Can you hear me?" tears start to form in my eyes like a cloud that cant hold anymore water.

he's breathing a little bit more heavily now.

"i want to see. i want to see what happened that night."

his eyes move from the side of my head to straight at me, with tears in them too.

he's still there.

"hey," i whisper.

"Y/N?" he asks softly back as a tear strolls down his face.

"yeah, its me, babe... its me."

i see a change in his eyes for a mililsecond when all of a sudden i feel the hand that was once on my cheek, tightly around my neck.

im gasping for air.

More than anything.     Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now