2| Cry Baby

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[2|Cry Baby]

[2|Cry Baby]

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Liked by @lila and 120k more

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Liked by @lila and 120k more

@rory.rose just something that came to me saw in a dream

@lucie.draws omg 😍

@lila babyyyyyyyyy Haha jokes your my son

@rory.rose love youuuuu @lila

@Ilovedrawing this is really cool!

I upload the photo and run into the art studio. I had a part time job here, just organising paintings and shit. It was pretty boring but I needed the money and being an artist on it's own doesn't exaclty pay the Bill's.
"Late, again. You know if your late again I'm going to have to stop paying you as much," Steve my boss said rolling his eyes.

I didn't answer him, instead I got straight to work hanging up new paintings.

Billie's P.O.V

I saw a picture in this girls sketchbook that was stuck in my head. It was a girl crying black tears. "Hello earth to Billie," finneas waved his hand infront of my face
"Sorry I just .... hang on a sec,"


liked by @thebelltwins @bhadbhabie and 103,493 more

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liked by @thebelltwins @bhadbhabie and 103,493 more

@wherearetheavocadoes guys I need your help. Earlier today I bumped into a girl who drew a picture of a girl crying black teard and I thought ut was dope. I wonder if she has an art account and if y'all could help me try and find it??????? Luv ya

@ilovebillie I wish I was that girl rn

@billieeeeeilish I'm looking right now

@username1 Billie is so pretty ❤

@username2 I wonder y Billie cares so much about a picture 🤔

"Okay carry on," I say returning my attention to a slightly irritated looking Finneas.

Lorelai's P.O.V

I just finished work and walked back to my apartment, lila wasnt home so I sat on teh couch and turned on the TV.

My phone kept buzzing so I picked it up to see hundreds of Instagram notifications, I looked at teh comments of my recent post

@Billieeilishismine omg is this her @wherearetheavocadoes

@billiesbiggestfan @wherearetheavocadoes

@bilsag I see y you liked this @wherearetheavocadoes

All of them tagged this avocado girl so I clicked on her profile and realised it was Billie's. "Oh my days," I said to my self in slight disbelief I realised that my following had suddenly gone up but seeing as Billie had 25 million followers I wasnt really surprised.

Then I realised someone had dm'ed me.

Hi, so if you dont remember I'm the girl that you walked into earlier. I thought your drawings were really cool. I do some sining stuff and I think that I could interpret you art into a music video for my song when we all fall asleep where do we go so u down?

Of course. That would. be so cool, and sorry for running off my boss is fed up with me being late.

I decided on not mentioning my whole metal breakdown seeing as it definitely was not my best moment.

In that case you can come meet me my brother and my manager Mike at this cafe in LA tomorrow the address is blah blah blah (we r pretending this Is a real address cos I'm not that creative lol)
I quess I will c u then !

I didn't worry to much about my social anxiety and going to this cafe as I'm sure it was reasonably quite if Billie could be that famous and still. Have a business meeting there.


The next morning I showered and changed into some blue Jean's and a striped top

I decided not to dress up in anything special and just be me as after stalking Billie's account she is all for that shit.

I put in my earphones and headed out saying goodbye to lila on the way.
I looked through spotify's and decided to play when the party's over.

I had heard here songs before but I had never really listened to them. I had never really taken in the meaning and emotion that she had put into her music. I found myslef drifting into a trance completely mesmerised by her angelic voice.


I arrived at the cafe and immediately saw her. She was dressed in clothing a few sizes too big, but she pulled it off.

I went over and she stood up as soon as she saw me. "Hi," I said , feeling suddenly at home.

"Hey," she smiled "this is my brother Finneas and my manager Mike, Finneas, Mike this is rory," Finneas gave me a smile and Mike stood up and shook my hand.

I tuck a few strands of blonde hair behind my ear. I pull out my sketchbook from my bag and open it to the page "here," I say sliding it a cross the table.

"Okay so hear me out here I think I should do this," Billie says talking to me rather than finneas or Mike.

"Like I could drink a cup of this black liquid and then cry I.E. CGI and sing all at the same time, and of course tou could get credit," she then looked over at finneas and Mike who nodded.

"Wow, that's awesome," I said slightly stunned.

"I'd like it if you could co-direct it with me,"

"Sure I mean of course yes," I exclaimed still in shock of what I just been offered.

We all discussed whay would happen next and me and the others swapped numbers so we could all be in contact.


Dont worry I am planning for the chapters to get longer and also to update more frequently

937 words

ANXIETY  // BILLIE EILISH // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now