11 | showtime

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                      Rory's P.O.V

We were in a people carrier on the way to the venue and we were all sat down jamming to music. It was one of those moments that you know you are going to  remember. The madness by muse (listen to it it's great:)) came on and suddenly it was only me singing, in that moment I felt so  connected to her in that moment. 

We then arrived and Billie turned off her music and we stepped outside the van. The building was huge and there were already hundreds of people lined outside screaming. I tensed up as I followed the lines of people round and I could even see the end.

Billie must have noticed because she pulled me inside and whispered in my ear "it's okay just breathe, you have me here right next to you if you need me," she intertwined my fingers in her hands. "Look I -urgh I-"

"Billie whatever it is it is fine I promise," I said squeezing her hand a little.

"My label won't let me come out as bi to my fans,  so in theory that means that in front of my fans we can't be like a thing," I laugh "what," she says confused. 

"Your cute when you get nervous," I dont look at her when i say it. "And Billie," I make eye contact with her "it's fine, about your fans I dont mind,"

She walks round a corner into her green room, press my back against the door and collides our lips together.  She picks me up and u wrap my legs around her waist and tangle my hand in her hair. She kisses across my jaw and the starts to mair her way down my neck.

I can't help but let out a small moan. Then someone knocks on the door causing me to jump down. Maggie opened the door walking in giving us both separately a slightly odd glance.  "Sound check in 5 okay, eat some food,"

"Okay mom, will do," Maggie squints her eyes, I assume slightly confused and then walks out. 

"That was a close one," billie said alongside a small laugh. "You want chips and guac,"

"Always," we sat down as at a small table and ate our hearts out talking about anything and everything that came to mind. 

"Show time," Billie said checking the time on her phone. "You can just stay in here for sound check its pretty boring to be honest,"

"Okay, break a leg, wait no idont want that to happen phrase or not. Ih no did I just ginx it?"

"No shorty its fine," she smiled before walking out. 'Shorty' I liked that nickname. Billie was only 5'4 and I was still smaller at only 5'2. 

"Hey Rory, how are you doing," Pattick said. I had never real conversation with Patrick, just small talk and chit chat, so it being just me and him in a room below made me a little anxious.

"Uh... I'm good," I said. Patrick simply smiled in return. I then went to the bathrooms to be able to be alone for a while.

I walked in the bathrooms, relived when no one else was in there I stepped over to the sink and splashe my face with water. "Come on Rory, suck it up you baby," I whispered to myself, mentally whacking myself round the head.

As I walked back into the green room I saw Billie eating a bag of takis  "hey, come on let's go," she said and I followed her to the stage. The closer we got to the stage the louder the cheering was, until we were both standing in the wings. "You good," she practically screamed in my ear and I could only still just hear her.

"Yeah, good luck you'll smash this," I give her a little nudge on stage and she runs to the centre waving to all here fans who were screaming here name.

The entire time I admired here from the side, watching her every move. Her voice was so angelic, I can't believe i had never listened to her music before i knew her.

Bitches broken hearts came on, and as she was singing she turned to me and smiled. I felt my legs turn to jelly, and I just stood there completely in awe with her.

Before I knew it the show was over, and billie was walking off stage waving goodbye to her fans. "Billie your amazing," I kept my eyes still on the stage where she had sung her heart out replaying it over and over.

"Thank you, I do try," she takes the plugs out of her ears handing them to a backstage crew member. "I have a meet and greet now but it should only be a half hour or so, after that wanna get taco bell then home home and watch a movie,"

"Of course," I smiled heading back to the green room starting to pack up my stuff.

Not long later Billie came back into the room obviously hungry and wanting taci bell. We gathered the rest of our things and headed into the people carrier.

"Rory darling, what would you like?" Maggie asked me.

"Um I'll just have whatever Billie is having," I replied. She was vegan too and i didn't know what was on the menu plus i wasnt fussy so it seemed like the easiest option.

ANXIETY  // BILLIE EILISH // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now