28| Ice

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28| Ice

when we finally get to Belgium, we are all exhausted

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when we finally get to Belgium, we are all exhausted. we have time to sleep, on the bus on our two hour drive to the venue when Billie then has sound check. we run onto the bus, pick out our bunks and as soon as my head hits the pillow I fall asleep. 

Billie's P.O.V

I wake up, and check the time, we only had a few more minutes until we get to the venue and so I slide out of my bunk, and lean into Rory's bunk. her cheek is all squished up against her pillow and every now and again her nose twitches, when it does a giggle slightly, and she stirs. 

I stroke her cheeks and hers eyes flutter open. "hey beautiful," I whisper, gently kissing her forehead. 

"I'm tired," she pouted closing her eyes again. 

I knew just the way to get her out of bed, I leaned over and left a small line of kisses along her jaw. her eyes shot open, I then took a few steps away, and she looked sad, "come back," she whined and I just smirked. 

she then leant out of her bed and tried to grab my hand to pull me back in. she missed, then once again reached out, but this time a little too far, and she toppled out of the bed. my hart raced and I fell to the ground so she would land on me and not the floor. 

when she fell onto my lap, we stared at each other for a couple seconds, then burst out in laughter. then the bus stopped, "perfect timing," I said as rory stood up and I followed. By the time we got down the stairs, everyone had already gotten off the bus, so we found our own way to the green room. 


Rory's P.O.V

whilst Billie was in soundcheck, I laid out a canvas and some oil paints, and started to sketch. I was in my own little bubble for the entire time she was in soundcheck and through her show, almost forgetting where I was. 

when Billie came in after her show, I heard her sniff as if she was crying, and I turned around to see her trying to hold back a puddle of tears. "Billie, what's wrong," I out down my paint brush and rushed over to her embracing her in a hug. 

"its fine, its just my shin splints, my legs hurty," she said in a baby voice, and I laughed slightly.

"I'm sorry Bil," I said as we sat down on the chairs and I helped her pull off her trainers. 

after a few minutes, Maggie and Patrick walked in with big white buckets, followed by Finneas and Mike with Bags of ice. "the doctor says you need to ice bath your shins sweetie, one leg in each bucket," Maggie says , pouring in the ice.  

"What!" She raised her voice, scared not angry "No way, omg whole leg, I'll freeze to death" with the amount of ice in those buckets she wasn't even over reacting. 

"I'll do it with you," I don't want too, but I know its the only way to get her to do it. And she needs to help her legs.

Maggie continues pouring in ice, and gives me a thankful look. I take a deep breath, slipping off my socks shoes, and rolling up my trousers.

I dunk in my feet, wincing at the cold. I put on a smile though. "Come on them Billie, its not bad you don't wanna be a baby," I pout and I can tell that now more than ever she is determined to keep her legs in the ice like anger that me.

I did it deliberately, knowing she wouldn't chicken out if I did it. But I also knew that she knew what I was doing.

After eight minutes I couldn't take the pain anymore and my legs were stinging like hell. When Billie turned away from me to look at Finneas, who was sitting at the table, I pulled my legs from the ice.

But the rattling of the cubes against my skin caused her to whip her head back round to me "rory," she whined however then she realised she had won and a devilish smirk swept across her face.

Maggie bribed her with burritos, so she kept her feet in for another ten minutes and just as her time was up, I excused myself to go get a bottle of water from the cooler that was just down the hall from the green room.

As I reached the cold over I heard footsteps behind me and I knew exactly whose they were.

I turned around smiling, faced with one of Billie's resting bitch faces. "What up Bil," I playfully smirk.

She leans in as if she is going to kiss me, I she stops just millimetres from my lips, so I can feel her warm breath hit my skin. She lingers there for a few painful seconds, and just as I think she is going to kiss me, she swerved her head to the side, whispering seductively in my ear "I played your game, but you just wait, your time is coming," it sent shivers down my spine.

And as if that wasn't enough she then took a step back and traced her finger tip along my Jaw line before giving me a smirk, turning round and walking back towards to green room, leaving me lost for words.


We all know Billie always wins

931 words

ANXIETY  // BILLIE EILISH // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now