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Rory's P.O.V

After what must have been together we pulled away. She looked staring into green eyes. In that moment I felt so vulnerable, as if she were reading me like a book. I could only think of one way to stop her. I cupped her face with me hands and my eyes flickered down to her lips. I leant in commenting are lips with a long awaited passionate kiss. It lasted until neither of us could breathe and we had to gasp for air.

"I'm sorry Rory," she said

"It's fine just don't break my heart," I replied playfully although on the inside I couldn't have been more serious.

"Do you wanna come over to mine for the night?" She asked playing with my fingers.

"Sure, call an uber," I say throwing some clothes, my toothbrush, phonecharger and a couple other things into suitcase. "Imma shower quickly, look at this whilst I'm in their u might like sumthin, it's mostly just crap tho," I throw her and old sketch book then shower as quickly as I can. I get changed

And heaed back into room where Billie was still looking at my sketch book. "Dude this is dope!" She sounded like a little kid that was just given a pile of candy. Her phone then buzzed "uber's ready?" She joked.off my bed and we headed out of the apartment.

"Lila I'm going to be staying the night at Billie's, will you be okay?" I asked

"Yeh," she sounded suprised "yeh totally you and Billie sleepover," a cheeky smile appeared on her face as I death stared her and as soon as Billie turned away to open the door Lila frantically wiggled her eyebrows to which I just rolled my eyes.

Me and Billie jumped on the uber. "So where does your name come from?" She asked me "well my mum used to love this show called Gilmore girls and the main character and her daughter are both called Lorelai and her daughters nickname is Rory," i laughed a little "it's safe to say I caught her obsession for it,"

"That's sick?" Billie said

"Your turn then," I playfully pushed her arm.

"Well my real name is William although my mom worn admit it, and I was named after my grandfather," she pursed her lips a little.

"Well William it looks like we are here," we pulled into her drive.


We walk into her red room and I look at my feet. "You good?" She asks.

"Yeah yeah," I brush it off.

"Hey, what's up," she rests her hand on my arm.

"Its stupid but it just reminds me of my childhood room, the lights were red like yours," I laugh knowing what I'm saying sounds stupid.

"It okay," she says in a loud whisper that pulled at my heart strings. She pulled me into a hug, and I really didn't want to let go. "So," she said pulling away "I have a show tonight, and then we leave for tour in two days," we both smile. "Dude how cool does that sound, we are leaving for tour tommorow," we both laugh like little children.

"Are you sure about me coming on tour, I dont want to be a hassle,"

"Um, you not coming would be more of a hassel. I wouldn't ne able to perform because I would be way to busy thinking about you," I can't help the massive smile on my face.

"If you say so,"

"Okay help me pick out some shoes for the show tonight," I walk over to her racks of shoes and pick out a pair of lime green neon Nike hightops. "These are awesome," I admire the trainers as if the were a rare gemstone. "What if you wear one of these with one of these," I pull out the same shoe but in neon orange.

"That's awesome,"

"Really," I say suprised

"Yeah it matches my outfit and its wierd I love it, wow I guess the artist in you is also a great stylist,"

Someone knocks on the door "come in you bozo," Finneas walked in.

"We gotta go know bil, Rory will you be joining us?" He asked a cheesy grin on his face, I wasn't sure why.

"Yeh she is coming," Billie said giving him a stern stare. I just assumed it was an inside sibling joke or something.

"So will I stand in the crowd?" I asked

"You can or you can watch from the wings," she raised her eyebrows up and down.

"I would love to sit in the crowd I want to so bad but I think there will be too many people there so I guess the wings, do have a green room?"

"Yeah, how do you know so much about performing stages?" She sounded happy, and I loved that.

"My older brother Tommy used to have a band they were pretty shit and it was just a teenage phase but they used to play at local venues,"

"Did that's cool, what does he do know?"

"He is a lawyer,"


"Yeah, I didn't catch the art gene," I shrugged.

"You did catch the good looks gene though," she gives me an over exaggerated cheesy grin and we both laugh.

ANXIETY  // BILLIE EILISH // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now