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[36 |Picture]

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"what's going on?" I ask, directed at Billie but she doesn't say anything, so Maggie does. 

"there was a Picture leaked, of you and Billie on the boat-" I cut her off, knowing what she was going to say.

"of her kissing my cheek?" I ask hoping it's not, but she nods ad my head drops. 

I sit down next to Claudia, and she gives me a sad smile. Mike then breaks the silence by talking "Billie, you were warned, and you did have a chance, the label has been in contact and they say that they want you in a Pr relationship," I whip my head up, to look at Billie, who is giving Mike disgusted look.

I then pull my phone out of my pocket and go to my tagged pictures, and all I can see is the picture, it was a beautiful picture, one then should have been treasured, not one that should have been made into a problem. 

"no fucking way, they can't do that," she almost screamed. 

"Billie, you signed a contract," I could tell from mike's tone that he felt sorry for us, and didn't want to be saying this. 

"Well fuck the contract, I can do this on my own I don't need them, I don't care if I have to walk around the world to do this tour without a PR relationship." 

"Billie," Maggie said, placing her hand on her shoulder trying to calm her down. 

"I'm not doing a PR relationship," she said once more, then walking out of the room. we all sat in silence, no one dared say a word. we just sat, all think of what was about to happen, all wondering if everything was about to change.

after an hour or so has passed, we decide that we will all just watch movies, until the show, and we are just going to wing it without soundcheck. I and maggie walk out to the kitchen area to go make hot cocoa. "do you want to go get Billie, and tell her what's happening?" she asks and I give her a small nod. 

knowing where Billie will be, I walk down the stairs to the little recording studio and knock on the door opening it. billie is sat on the stool, and as she sees me, quickly wipes away her tears with the sleeve of her hoodie. "Billie, you know, it's okay to be sad, it's not against the law," I walk over to her and stroke her hair as she sniffles. "I'm sorry," she manages to get out.

"no, don't be, Billie this isn't your fault, you have to realize that, none of this is your fault," I look her in the eyes, the layer of salty tears makes them look even more amazing. "you know, you should cry more often, the red makes the blue stand out more," I say as more of a thought thank anything else. "wanna go drink hot cocoa and watch movies?" I ask, and she nods. 

"Can we just not talk about it?" her voice is raspy. 

"sure," I grab her hand, and we intertwine our fingers. when we get to the kitchen we help maggie bring all of the mugs into the living room, and we sit down, pulling a fluffy blanket over our knees. 


we are sitting in the green room, and I can tell Billie is worried. "what is someone in the meet and greet asks me?" she says, 

"Just say, it was friends, and that you aren't dating," Mike responds. I swallow feeling a lump in my throat. I hate that I put her in this position. 

"Billie I will be with you at the meet and greet anyway, also Rory, you should stay in the back and not work the merch stand, that way you don't have to deal with questions," Maggie adds.

ANXIETY  // BILLIE EILISH // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now