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                         Billie's P.O.V

I was sitting on the floor by my bed, pepper sitting inbetween my legs when Finneas burst through my bedroom door.

"Billie she poured out her heart to you and now she wont even get out of her bed,"

I turned away from him, knowing she was that upset almost killed me. "Billie you gotta do something about this," he held my shoulder in a protective way showing he would help me with this.

"I do like her, but I just , I dont want her or me to get hurt and its inevitable," I pouted. "Plus I have tour in a week, so this is all pointless,"

"I would agree with you, however, look at the bond you two have created in such a sort space of time, Billie for once you have to think about now, not what will happen," his words took me back.

"What," my voice was laced with surprise.

"You heard me," he smiled at me smiling. "For once you just gotta live in the moment," and with that he walked out of the door, leaving me sitting on the floor with a goofy smile on my face.

I climbed onto my bed and allowed pepper to jump up and sit next to me. I just say there thinking about what I wanted to say to her over and over. Perfecting every word.


I woke up, Pepper still spread out over most of my bed. I turned off my alarm, showed and got ready for the day.  I could feel myself being on edge the whole time.

After a few meetings and two interviews my day was over. I called an uber and as soon as I got in forgot everything I was going to say. 

When we got there I jumped out the car and suddenly froze. After a good  five minutes of just standing there I'd had enough."come on billie your not soft? Get over yourself,"

I walked up to her apartment and Lila opened the door. "Um hi?" She sounded surprised.

"I need to talk to Rory " I looked down at my feet she dodnt say anything, instead just stepped aside further opening the door allowing me in.

I walked over to her room and knocked "come in if you must and Lila talk quietly?" Her voice sounded weak.

I opened the door and stepped in, her blinds were down and she was sitting on her bed entangled in her duvet. "Your not Lila," she said hesitantly.

"No, I'm not an-" she cut me off.

"Go away," her voice was raspy

"Please just here out," I was practically begging.

"Billie go away,"

"No," tears were pricking up in eyes "not until you hear me out then If you still want me to go I will I promise,"

"Fine," she was so cold and it broke me.

"Look I'm so so sorry, I know o was wrong but I like you and I just need time to proce-" again she cut me off

"No billie you camt just fuck around  with my feelings. I never like people like I dont even have any friends so its  tot-" this time it was my time to interrupt her and the words that came put of my mouth suprised me such as they did her.

"Come on tour with me," I said. Her head snapped around to me her expression suddenly softening.

"What?" She sounded so suprised but also happy.

                           Rory's P.O.V

I can't believe what she just said. I was confused but also happy.

"You heard me," she replied. I walked over to her and embraced her in a hug that I dodnt know I needed so badly. I held onto her tightly and she did the same to me. I felt so safe in her embrace. She smelt like vanilla. I just wanted to stay in this.


Super short nut needed an update sooooo

Comment if you want me to update everyday ?


ANXIETY  // BILLIE EILISH // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now