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33 | Perfect

Me and Billie were back at the hotel, I was still upset, but a lot less than I was an hour ago

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Me and Billie were back at the hotel, I was still upset, but a lot less than I was an hour ago. "thank you Billie," I said, as we both sat on the bed bored out of our minds. 

"it's all good," she said. we both sat there in a comfortable silence for a total of three seconds, "im bored," 

"me too," i pouted, walking over to the window. 

"its already getting dark, winter really is here," I said, a smile then took over my face

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"its already getting dark, winter really is here," I said, a smile then took over my face. 

"what," Billie said, having seen the sudden change in my facial expression. 

"Billie Eilish, would you do me the great pleasure of joining me on a date," I said. 

"why of course," Billie said, copycatting my fake British accent. 

"There is this cute little buffet place a twenty-minute drive away, I used to go out and eat there all the time. 

"I'll call an Uber," she said, dialling the number on her phone.  

a few minutes later, we went outside to the uber, laughing, I had almost completely forgotten about the previous events of the day. almost. 

on the way there, we stopped and I made Billie wai tin the car. I ran into a flower shop and picked up a bunch of red velvet roses, before returning to the car and handing them to her. she smiled and we continued our journey. 

shortly after we arrived at the restaurant, "wow, I really used to love this place," I say, sort of sadly, as I remember all the good times I used to have with my dad here. but at least now I could think of Billie, when I thought of this place, and not him. Billie went to grab my hand, but instead looped her arm in mine, making it seem more friendly so her label wouldn't get mad. 


we had just ordered out food when wwe heard flashes, we looked at the window, and I saw Billie's smile turn upside down. there were a good 9 Paparazzi people, and more were just arriving. 

we tried our best to ignore it but then a large group of girls came running in the door, sticking up phones in our faces. 

"guys, normally I would love to take pictures but I'm just trying to have a meal please guys," they were upset, but they understood, so they sat at a table and ate a meal themselves.

but only a few minutes later another group of people came in. this happened a couple more time and then the manager walked over to us. "Hi, I'm so so sorry but, all these people coming in, isn't really ideal. we are only a small resturant, and most people aren't staying to leave and are causing a ruucus with other cusomters, we will bag p you food and you can have it free of charge, we are sorry for the inconvenince," 

"thats fine. thank you," Billie said. 

i couldn't bare to make eye contact with her, i wasted her entire day dragging her around London. 

The manager came out with our food and told us we could use two of her bartenders to esocrt them to the uber as the group of people outside was rather large. 


We had been back at the hotel for a few minutes and Billie was in the shower. I sat on the window seat staring out over the Thames. I was lost in thought. how could I have been so stupid? of course, people would recognize her! dumb bitch. 

I stared out out the moon, that was the only thing in my life that I was sure would never leave. and if after tonight, Billie realized how stupid I am and wanted to leave me, I wouldn't be surprised, she probably also thought I was super mean to my dad. I was just so hurt when he wouldn't let me visit anymore, he had walked right out of my life, without even saying goodbye, just to replace me, nothing feels worse than the feeling of being replaced, and then being made to sit there and watch. 

Billie's P.O.V 

I got dressed in the bathroom, and then came out to see Rory sat on the window seat. i went over and sat opposite her, it was only then that I realized she was crying. "Rory, you have to realize that none of this was your fault, none of it," it was almost like she was in a trance, the way she stared out of the window, she didn't even blink. 

she wouldn't look at me, even when I hooked my finger under her chin so her head was facing me, she looked down at her hands. she looked so hurt, she was so broken, and I wanted to fix her, I don't care if I had to give her all the time in the world, because the only thing I wanted to do was to see her happy. not just the kind of happy that last fro hours, days or months, but the time of happiness that lasts forever. 

I pulled her in for a hug, and hug her tight. "if you only remember one thing, let it be that i will never ever leave you, okay," i picked her up and laid her down on the best, sitting next to her and letting her fall asleep with her head on my chest. 

ANXIETY  // BILLIE EILISH // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now