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I unlocked my apartment door and put the keys in the side table

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I unlocked my apartment door and put the keys in the side table. "Lila you here?" I called

Aswell as being my roommate Lila was my best friend, well to be honest she was my only friend, but we told each other everything.

"Yeah I'm in my room," she shouted and I made my way to her room, kicked off my shoes and sat down on the bed next to her.

"Okay so I know this is hard to believe but let me finish first okay?"

"Okay¿" she asked hesitantly.

"So the other day before work I got u early to get coffee an-"

"Rory you idiot all the people,"

"Lila," I playfully hit her on the arm for interrupting me.

"Anyway back to the story before I was rudely stopped. I then continued to tell her the story of me meeting Billie and how know I was helping her with a music video.

Lila sat there her jaw practically lying on the floor. She stood up still not having said I word and grabbed my hand pulling me out of her room and then to the window which outside h
ad a ladder leading to the roof.

She looked me right in the eye and said "roof," and pointed out the window. I followed her orders and climbed up the ladder the cold metal pressing against my sock covered feet.

Once we were both up there I was beginning to get nervous. What is she doing? I thought to myself. She melt down. "Dear Lord oh how you have blessed this girl, now if you don't mind I'll be at Walmart tomorrow around 5 PM and if shawn Mendes could happen to be there that would be great," she said gasping for air at the end.

I held my stomach laughing so hard I was going to be sick. She joined in to and we just rolled around on the floor in fits of laughter.


I sat in my bed staring at Billie's contact in my phone. Should I text her? I thought no that would be wierd right? At that moment my phone pinged

Hey its Bil u up?

Yeh, I dont sleep much

I couldn't help the smile that creeped on my face when I saw it was Billie who texted me. But it's just because I like having more than one friend right?

Woah you reply quickly,
I like that
1:04 am

Don't have any other friends
To reply to 🤷‍♀️
1:05 am

Damn that's sad dude :(
You really got no one?
And yeh sure we r
Friends I like that too

ANXIETY  // BILLIE EILISH // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now