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Billie's P

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Billie's P.O.V

I watch Rory stand up, my heart still beating fast not being able to process what happend. Then her foot missed the side of the pool and she fell. "Shit," I said grabbing her arm pulling her up. A random guy comes over and helps pull her out of the pool.
I pull her close to me, I can here he breathing and then she burst out in laughter causing me too smile.

She starts too close her eyes "hey you cant sleep here but eli and issac have a spare room come on sleepy head," I pull here up and help her walk up the stairs telling issac and Eli she is crashing here on the way.

"Here we go," I help her down onto the bed "stay here," I go into Eli's room and grab one of his hoodies.

I walk back into the spare room and and sit down next to her "her put this on, your clothes are soaked. I squint stopping my head from spinning.

She makes a weak attempt to pull of her top "I cant do it, I need help," she pouts. I can tell she is too drunk to mean anything by it so I help her change into the black hoodie.

I help her get under the covers "night night sweetie," I whisper getting up and I'm about to walk out of the door when I hear rory "wait," she says again a little louder. "Stay," she says her blue eyes are impossible to say no to.

I walked back over to her and climbed next to her me sitting up, my back against the head board. She laid her head on my chest and a stroked her hair, listening to her soft snores.


Rory's P.O.V

I woke up with a massive headache. I sat up in a strangers room,not knowing when I was, when the bedroom door opened revealing billie holding two mugs. "Hey I uh thought you might be needing some coffee and aspirin," I laughed

"How'd ya guess," I said sarcastically. She handed me the coffee and I took two aspirin tablets. We sit in silence but, it's a comfortable silence.

I try to remember all of the events last night, and as I concentrate harder, more comes back. Finding out eli and issac are twins, finding a pool, kissing Billie, falling in the pool. Wait what the hell I couldn't have kissed Billie. That must have been a dream right? Yeah yeah a dream. "What the fuck,"

"Huh?" Billie says tilting her head. I blush realising I just said that out loud.

"Oh dont worry, I wasnt meant to say that out loud, what happened last night?" I asked, curious as to whether or not Billie remembered.

"Yeah, we both drank shit loads and did stupid stuff that's all,nothing that meant anything" she said, she almost sounded cold and it confused me. "Look, I've got to go," she said.

"Wait bil," but she didn't answer instead she just left leaving me here all alone what did I do wrong? I thought. Tears pricked up in my eyes but I swallowed them down.

Instead I gathered by things and went down stairs, I passed I a few passed out people, but I found eli and I issac awake sitting around there kitchen island. "And we meet again," Eli said. I simply nodded at him in response.

"Hey could one of you call an uber for me, I think my hangover has caused me to forget how to use a phone."

"I'll drive you dont worry about it," Eli responded.

"Are you sure?" I asked "I dont want to be a hassle,"

"Its fine, it means I can get out of tyding," he winked. I followed him to his car and got in the passenger seat. "Here," he gave me his phone on maps so I could put in my address.

"You're good friends with Billie right?"

"I'd like to think so," he replied

"Why does she act so wierd like," I try to think of a way to word ut without being to specific.

"You mean why doesnt she tell you how she is feeling, Billie has been hurt alot, like alot she doesn't open up much and she loves pushing people away, but that's just bil,"

"Mkay," for the rest of the journey we just listen to music and Eli shows me some of his favourite songs.

Soon enough we arrived outside my apartment "thanks Eli," I said jumping out of the car.

"Wait do you like Billie?" He said as if it just popped into his head.

"What, pfttt no of course not," I turned round to leave and I heard him chuckle. I quickly ran up the stairs and into my apartment.

"I'm guessing someone had a good night," Lila said walking out of her room and wiggling her eyebrows.

"if you mean falling into the pool completely drunk, then yeah the nughtbis great, although I do need help," I walk into her room and jump in her bed.

"Ooooooo exciting spill," she said.

"Okay so first off, dont interrupt me and I know this is wierd, it is to me as much as it is too you, I like Billie and yeah the girl billie,"

"That's fi-

"Wait that's not all, last night, we were both drunk, me more than her but definitely both drunk. After the kiss I fell in the pool we went upstairs and ended up falling asleep. In the morning she was so cold and she just left,"

"She's probably just scared,and it doesn't matter that she is a girl so that's fine dont worry okay?" She rubs my shoulder.

"Thanks Lila,"

"Now you look line you need comfort TV, so Gilmore girls?" She asks

"You know me too well," we laugh as she turns on the TV.


All okay so far?

ANXIETY  // BILLIE EILISH // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now