37 | Space

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[37 | Space]

we are sitting in a room, in the Czech Republic, waiting for Billie to go into an interview

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we are sitting in a room, in the Czech Republic, waiting for Billie to go into an interview. she came to an agreement with her label, that if in this interview when they brought up the kiss she would talk about how Rory is only a friend, and she actually currently has a crush on this boy. 

She wasn't happy about it but it was better than a PR relationship. "you good?" I ask her as I sip from my water bottle.

"yeh, it just sucks you know, but it is what it is I guess, a whole bag of bullshit," just as im about to say something people come in to take her to the interview room. 

As they walk away Maggie gives me a sorrowful smile. 

Billie's P.O.V

I walk into the interview room and sit down. All I want to do, more than anything is just run away, I don't care where too, but somewhere where I can be alone, alone with her, but I know I have to do this, I mean it's my job. they make sure my microphone is working and then they begin to ask me questions. "so if you had to sum up so far of your tour in three words what would you say," I suprised at the fact I had never been asked this question before.

"pretty fucking amazing," I smile as the last month and a half's memories quickly flash before me.

"how do you create, if you had to give a specific way," 

"eh, I don't really know, things just happen and match up in my brain you know, like it just comes to me,"  

 "so, there has been a picture of you and your merch designer Rory kissing, could you fill us in on your relationship?"  

I laugh "we are just friends, and I literally kissed her on the cheek, it was all a joke, because we knew there were people watching us, I actually do like a boy right now though, and Rory helps me not make a fool out of myself," I lie through my teeth. 

"so, is there any way you could tell us who this boy is, or what he is like?" she smiles as if she hasn't just asked me a totally invasive question. 

"not who they are, because thats for me to know," I wink at the camera "but something about them..." I pause and my mind drifts to Rory "he is a weird one, completely and utterly in the craziest of way. He is beautiful, completely beautiful its crazy man like, how can someone be that perfect," I then realize I have gone on a whole speech, I decide to add one more thing on, that wouldn't make any sense to anyone except her "he is so perfect I would probably do something crazy for him, like I don't know," I try to make it look like im thinking of something. "like I would free a case of lobsters for him," I laugh as if I thought what I said was just crazy. 

"well you hear first folks, Billie Eilish has just shattered the rumors that Rory id her girlfriend," the interviewer says, and I swallow the lump in my throat. 

"she is my girl friend," I blurt. "she is just my girl space friend," I smile, it was one of the fakest smiles, but it was all I could muster. 

"Well, thank you for your time, it was a pleasure," she said, and I simply nodded in thr form of a reply. 

Rory's P.O.V

I feel as if I'm floating, god this is all too good to be true, even is we have to hide it from the world. she finishes up the interview, and she looks upset. not the kind of upset that you could spot from a mile away. the kind of upset you can only see is there is you look into her eyes, through the wall she tries to put up. 

we walk back to the tours bus and we half a couple of hours before she has to go to soundcheck. "wanna make burrito's," I ask her and she nods her head. we start to make the burrito's, in silence, I wanted it to be a comfortable silence, but there was a cloud of tension in the air. 

ANXIETY  // BILLIE EILISH // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now