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Rory's P.O.V

I stare at my feet, trying to process everything that's going on, but ultimately failing.  "Rory, has this happened more than once," Billie says, her voice cracks as she does so. 

I don't say anything knowing that she won't be able to help but misunderstand. "Rory!" she asks again, her voice more stern this time.

"Billie, you have to understand there is more to the stor-

"that's not what I asked you, answer the damn question," she was becoming angry, and I felt my heartbreak, literally fall into so many pieces, that I'm sure you would need a microscope to see them. "has this," she points between me and Eli "happened more than just today," 

"yes," I say, at a whisper, so I'm sure no one heard me, in fact, certain as I couldn't even hear myself over the music. but I know she knew the answer, she knew it before I said it, he just wanted to make sure the words came out of my mouth, so she was certain.  

Billie begins to walk towards the door, and we all follow her until we are outside the back of the club, no one out here at this time of night. "you," she says pointing her finger into Eli's chest, "you were meant to be my friend, I trusted you, but hey I guess that means nothing to you," Eli stumbles slightly, still intoxicated. 

"Maybe she just wanted me more than you," he says, Billie turns back around so she is facing him, and punches him straight in the face, and he falls to the ground, no one rushing over to him, no one really cares at this moment in time.

"and you," she looks right into my eyes, seeing right through me, but this time seeing right through me as if I'm not even there. "I have no words, you know what fuck that actually, I do," she smiles slightly, like the villain in a movie, "you are a bitch," I can see, only for a split second, her eyes change, they are hurt, and broken, but then she realizes she let down her guards, I blink and the cruel ones are there again.

"please Billie," I cry, "please just listen to what I have to say, it will all make sense," 

"no, I don't want to hear your bullshit," she turns and walks away, at a pace I know I won't be able to match. "Go home, all of you I don't want to see any of you, ever again fuck off, and go live happily ever after," she screams. 

"Billie wait," I scream, as I start to walk, Lila is behind me holding me back "Billie," I scream, my knees buckling at I hit the concrete Lila holding me as I fall, holding me close as I lay on the floor, crying rivers. 

By this point, Isaac, is over helping Eli, and Dani walks over to us, crouching down beside us. "do you think you should go after her?" Lila tries to whisper to Dani but I hear every word.

"no, she is a fire-cracker and she just needs time to be alone and think," Dani strokes my hair, she always scared me a little, but it was this moment that I realized she was just damaged like everyone else in this stupid world.  


PLEASE READ  ~ I will post around 22.00 UK time every weekday and occasionally on weekends, I do online school so write that days chapter in my reaks, meaning I don't write and therefore have nothing to upload on the weekends. 

I'm sorry these chapters are slightly shorter, I just feel that they fit the story better in these chapters. 

ANXIETY  // BILLIE EILISH // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now