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Billie has come put to finneas and her parents but only saying 'she thinks she might be interested in girls'nothing exact


( the night before I had told Lila what happened before breaking down)

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( the night before I had told Lila what happened before breaking down)

Rory's P.O.V

I wake up hair just all over my face. Lila is sitting next to me on my bed on her phone. "Morning sleepy, here," she handed me tea and I sipped at it. "I feel dirty, like I just cheated on Billie, then I remember we aren't together, hell, she doesn't even like me, but Eli what aas he thinking. I just feel dirty like I'm physically covered in mud," I say staring ahead of me at the wall.

"Maybe you should take a bath, it might help. Plus I have some really nice Epsom salts your can use?"

"Yeah okay thanks Lila I love you," my voice was raspy from the morning.

"No problem," she kissed my head (in a completely platonic way) she stood up and walking into the bathroom turning on the water. "I'm just gonna grab the salts from my room,"she says.

I sniff, scratching my head, normally knowing what to do with myslef. I know I'm still meant to be working with Billie, but I will probably stop, it would be too hard otherwise.

"Here," Lila passes me the salts and I give her a small smile trudging into the bathroom and taking a bath. I heard my phone ping and opened my messages.

Her messages agitate me so a throw my phone across the bathroom closing my eyes and taking deep breaths

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Her messages agitate me so a throw my phone across the bathroom closing my eyes and taking deep breaths.

Why can't she ever just address the problem? I clench my draw trying to be angry but Depp down I know it's not working. I just want her to want me.

Billie's P.O.V

I sat in my room blasting music, when Finneas knocked on my door. "Hey bil?"

"Yeh," I say

"The video is done, here," he came and seat next to me, resting his laptop on his lap,"

We watched the video it was perfect. "Dude we did it," I said a smile on my face.

"We did, you wanna get Rory over, have a celebration?" I felt my smile drop.

"I dont think that she will want to come over," I hold the hoodie she left here in my hands.

"Oh okay, wanna talk about it?"

"Not right now but could you do me a favour?"

"Of course bil," he stroked my hair

"Can you give this back to her she left it here?"

"Sure, i will do it now, show here the video whilst I'm there where does she live,"

"Her adres is *********"

"Okay, you wanna come?"

"Nah I think I'm just gonna stay here and watch the office,"

"Okay, see you in a bit yeh,"


Finneas's P.O.V

I was to say the least highly confused by what had just happened. I know that Billie and Rory had a fight but I didn't realise it was this serious.

I couldn't get it out of Billie so I thought I could take this opportunity to get It out of Rory. I went to my car, Rory's hoodie in my hand and drove to her house.

I walked up to her apartment building and knocked on the door. "Hi?" A girl I didn't recognise answered the door.

"Oh erh maybe I have the wrong apartment I'm looking for Rory?"

"Oh yeah, I'm her roommate come in,"
I followed her in. I stood in the middle of the kitchen/living room awkwardly.
"Oh right her room is the second door on the left," I smile at her as to say thank you and knock on the door before hearing a whine and entering.

"Hi," I said.

"FINNEAS?" She said loudly jolting up into a sitting position she looked almost dead. I don't think she had moved from her bed in a while.

"Here you left this at our house," I placed the hoodie on her desk. "The video is done," I saw her try to smile, but her eyes looked sad and weary.

I pulled my laptop out of my bag and logged onto it. She budged over in her bed allowing room for me to perch next to her. I showed her the video, but I couldn't tell what she thought about it, well I knew she liked it but she didn't seem happy. It finished and she simply said "just how I imagined it,".

I had to know what happened. "Look please just tell me what happened between you and Billie, you are obviously not okay and Billie isn't either," when i mentioned Billie nit being okay for a spot second her expression changed. "She wont tell me what happened, and she is just moping around so please help me out here,"

She scrunched up her face, planning what to say. "We kissed, then she ignored it, I told her I liked her as more than a friend and she said nothing, so there you go I basically just made a fool put of myself,"

It suddenly all made sense. "I'm sorry, Billie sometimes takes a while to process things, I'm sure she will come around,"

"Its stupid I haven't even known her for that long but it's just like-"

"When you know you know," I finished sentence.

"Yeah," she lied back down as if she were a teacher dismissing me from class.

"Bye rory," I said I felt so bad for her and I knew I needed to talk to Billie.


Are you okay with Finneas point of view?????"

ANXIETY  // BILLIE EILISH // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now