17| kangaroo's

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We arrived in the middle of what looked like no where

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We arrived in the middle of what looked like no where. Then I saw a sign. We are at a zoo? I thought slightly confused. The van stopped and we all stepped out and were greeted by a woman in her young twenties, who's accent made me giggle a little. "Okay guys so who is ready for the morning?" She spoke to us as if we were little children.

"Billie can you please just tell me what we are doing now," I beg,  as she looks slightly amused by my frustration.

"Okay So to  began our day, we have koala hugging,kangaroo feeding, and wallaby petting then we leave the zoo and take a boat to this island where we go to a ranch and ride horses, the. We have to get to the venue in time for sound  check," I stand there for a minute completely stunned, having to take everything that she just said in.

"Woah," I say, a childish grin on my face.

"Yeah,"  she says return my grin. We walk slightly behind the others, we walk in a comfortable silence. I look at my feet, trying to walk quietly so I can just listen to her chains grind against each other, it's an oddly soothing noise that my ears seem to enjoy.

After walking for around ten minutes, we reached the koala enclosure. "They're so cute," Finneas said ad Claudia pulled out her vlog camera. We walked into the cage and the zookeeper gave us all a koala, they weren't particularly heavy, and they clinged onto you, so it was pretty minimal effort. 

"Mine looks like a stoner," Billie laughs, and we all join her. It was true though, something about the dopey-eyedness (stfu it is a word) of the animal did,and it resemble a stoner.

After what was probably an hour and a half with the koala's we made our way over to the kangaroo's. We were all given a   Small red bucket full of fruit, vegetables and hay pellets. I held half a banana out in my hand and waited, trying to be as still as possible. After only a few minutes, a kangaroo took the banana out of my hand, licking it as it went making my hand tickle and  me, laugh.

I enjoyed being in the outside world with Billie, it was almost as if she was just a normal seventeen year old girl and we were on a date...... with her parents, brother, brothers girlfriend and body guards. I was just glad that everyone around him was so accepting of me, masthead fact I am basically living with the after only know them for a matter for months.

We finished feeding the Kangaroo's and go to the wallaby's. we sat down in the middle of a field, with someone kind of honey snacks for the animals. We all sat in a circle and petted them whilst we all talked about the tour, and how later today we were going to be getting on a tour bus and that apparently sleep, is almost impossible as the beds are more like coffins.

"I want a pet wallaby," I said pulling funny facing at the one who was pretty much sat on my lap.

"Me to they are so dope," Billie added on.


We were in the people carrier on the way too this boat and everyone expect me and Billie were asleep, the jet lag obviously getting the them. "You know, if I hadn't gone to that coffee shop, I would still be back in LA begging gallery's to take my art work, and living off practically nothing, hoping one day my dream would come true," I said, not directly to Billie, but almost just thinking aloud.

"That's crazy," she said again, not really in response to me, more just thinking aloud.  We drive over a hill and the sea comes into sight. It is a beautiful aqua ocean blue, that looks like it's it's been mixed with a blue highlighter.  She said staring out of the window, yes the view was once in a life time and amazing. But still I found myself far more interested in watching the girl sitting next to me.

I played with her fingers in my hand, my fingertips tracing over her rings. Her hands were soft, like stroking a baby's cheek.

As the SUV came to a halt, everyone had woken up, we climbed out and were immediately tired again as the heat hit you like a brick.  We walked onto the harbour and the was a ferry looking boat. It was a nice size and very modern. "This is sick," Billie said as I agreed.

We climbed onto the boat, and it started to move. We were all relieved when the speed caused there to be a little wind, helping cool us down. Pretty soon after we started moving, we could  see the island were we were going, it was very small, and only 3 or 4 boats were docked there.

When we arrived we walked up these stone stairs, taking us a while because of Billie's shins, I let the others go in front as I didn't mind waiting. I looped my arm through hers and walked at the pace in which she was comfortable.

When we got to the top, we were all split up into pairs, Fin and Claudia, Maggie and Patrick and Me and Bil. We all went to separate parts of the stable and were given a horse to ride each. There were paths around the whole island, which we were free to ride around. We climbed on the horses, and Billie's eyes lit up in a way I had not seen them do before. "You like horses?" I ask her.

"Yeh, I used to work at these stables and they would let me ride in return. It sounds silly and stuck up, but I forget you don't already know everything about  me," she seemed sort of down all of a sudden.

"I know it's hard for you Bil, you can't be a normal teenager but just remember I'm here, and I will always be here Okay?" I say trying to make eye contact with here and ride at the same time, was proving difficult.


I am realest get this chapter early as it is pretty boring and just fluff but I have a great one coming up so stay tuned for later today.

ANXIETY  // BILLIE EILISH // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now