Part 4

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"Hyejin was twenty years older than me. She got married when I was only one year old. The twins were born when I was two. We were really close," I told Kidoh.

He invited me to the coffee shop today after dance class. I didn't want to go back home. I wanted to stay away from there and the horrible pancakes. So I told him why I was upset since he bugged me about it so much.

"Monday night, her husband and one of the twins died in a house fire." Kidoh gasped and gripped his coffee. "That's awful," he whispered. I nodded my head and continued, "Hyejin died last night at the hospital. My nephew Yano is the only one still living."

I took a sip of my coffee and held in my tears. I've decided that I've cried enough on this matter.

"How old is he?" Kidoh asked. "Eighteen," I replied. Kidoh nodded his head. "Where's he going to go after he gets out of the hospital?" I shrugged my shoulders. "He has no idea. We offered, but he said no."

I took a bite of my chocolate donut. It melted in my mouth and tasted so sweet and delicious. I wanted another one. "I want to meet him."

I put my donut down and let go of my coffee. I made myself look up at Kidoh. "You want to meet my nephew?" he nodded his head. "I'll let the kid room with me above the dance studio." I was shocked at his words.

Then Kidoh stood up, coffee in his hand. "Get your stuff, lets go." I hesitated to move. Is he being serious? Does he really want to see Yano? I shook my head and grabbed my stuff, following him out of the store.

He started his car and asked for directions to the hospital. I gave him the name and directions. It was about a fifteen minute drive away, considering we were in the city area of town.

When we arrived at the hospital and went to the waiting room where my parents were, it looked like bad news. They were both crying and upset. My father looked up in my direction. "Hyein! Honey it's Hyein!" My father shook my mothers shoulder. "We have to tell her," Dad said.

I stood up a little straighter and took in a deep breath. "What do you need to tell me?" I asked them.

They just stared at me for a long time. I was growing impatient. "What do you need to tell me?" I shouted at them. My parents continued staring at me.

Then when they did speak, I didn't want them too. "Yano died. He couldn't hold on anymore." I shook my head and took a few steps back. "No he's not," I said in disbelief.

I ran to Yano's room. He had to be there. He just had to. Yano, my nephew since I was two, couldn't be dead. He's only eighteen. He's too young to die.

I reached his room and opened the door quickly. When I entered, there was another family there. A different person was lying on the bed who is in worse condition than Yano was. Was. That word stuck inside my head and I couldn't let it go.

I apologized and walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. I walked across the hall. The floor looked comfy at the moment. I slid down the wall and slammed my butt on the ground.

"They're gone, all four of them," I whispered to myself. I wouldn't believe it if I didn't witness it.

That's when Kidoh sat down next to me. I sighed, thankful I wasn't by myself.

"I know I just met you three days ago, but-" he cut me off and wrapped me up in his arms. "Thank you." I whispered. He let go of me and we gazed into each other's eyes.

I had the sudden urge to do something I've never done. I felt the need to be loved. There was this feeling in my gut that told me to be adventurous.

I kissed Kidoh. I liked it a lot. At the time, I didn't feel butterflies like people do in books and movies. I just kissed him and he kissed me back. It was simple and strange.

Suddenly, my vision went black. I didn't feel Kidoh wrapping his arms around me, but I did still feel the kiss. Only I couldn't kiss him back. It's as if my whole body was paralyzed. I felt him though. If I was paralyzed then I wouldn't feel him.

The person kissing me left my lips. I felt the person grasp my hand. Whoever it was is moving really fast. Kissing me, then holding my hand? Who is it?

I willed my eyes to open. They were heavy, but the bright lights from the ceiling met my eyes quickly. Then I saw Kidoh.

He was holding my hand and kissed me. Did this mean that everything from before was just a dream?

Then I thought of myself kissing Kidoh and butterflies erupted in my stomach. My next though was, kiss me again.



Thank you long weekend! I can update a lot more when I have long breaks lol.

I really hope you guys are liking this book. I'm working really hard on it and have it all planned out.

My question for this chapter is who is your favorite Topp Dogg member? Please answer in the comments!

My bias in Topp Dogg is Hansol. I love his voice and he's really attractive. His voice is addicting! lol

Please comment, vote and share!

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