Part 30

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"So do you know what it is yet?" He asked anxiously.

I giggled and shook my head from side to side. "I won't know for a while," I answered him.

It's going to be so easy to trick him. I don't even think I'll feel bad about it. He knows nothing about babies or pregnancy.

"They're twins though," I said.

He hugged me again and kissed my forehead. "Twins? Really? I'm going to have two things running around in a couple of months?" He made me laugh so hard I didn't even know what I was laughing at.

"Yes, twins, Kidoh. Twins."

He refused to travel for work from that moment on. Kidoh wanted to be near me and stay by my side. I convinced him to keep the fact that I'm pregnant a secret though. If my mother found out she wouldn't be so naive to the situation. Then that would just cause even more problems for me.

I officially stopped going to school. Kidoh told me that I didn't need to and since it was a low probability that someone would hire me for a job, I was just wasting my money. I guess that made sense, but in all honesty, I just didn't want to go back to school.

He officially gave Xero the dance building and some cash. He told him to do whatever he wanted to with it. It was his.

I didn't really see anyone other than P-Goon because Kidoh started bringing me to work. He needed a secretary and he asked me to do it. I thought of it as more chances to be with him, so I accepted the offer. We've been going to work for months now.

When the twenty weeks of the pregnancy came, Kidoh and I both went for the ultra sound. At twenty weeks we would be able to tell what gender the twins are. We both wanted to know so that we could get names ready.

That day, we found out that they're identical twins and that they're both girls. Kidoh was very excited. He's hoping that one of them turns out to be a Daddy's girl.

We chose the names Hyena and Hyera. He wanted to keep the prefix name Hye in the family line. I simply agreed with him.

Now I'm at thirty-six weeks, meaning I'm four more weeks away from having the twins.

I'm excited to see what they look like.

Whenever I imagine Hyena, I think of a simple girl who is really quiet. I think of her as the unsociable one that is only close to her mother. I don't know why, but that's just how I imagine her.

Hyera on the other hand, I imagine to be the opposite. I can see her as the extremely girly one who's really popular. Maybe she's athletic too and does track and swimming. While Hyera is doing sports, Hyera will be in the band.

I smile every time I think about them.

Kidoh and I are coming home from work. It's been an extremely long day and I just need some sleep. I feel big, my feet hurt, and I'm moody. I don't know how Kidoh deals with it.

"Do you want me to make you some dinner, or would you like me to go to a convenience store?" He asked me.

I sat down at our dining table and placed my hands on either side of my head. One of the twins were kicking me, but something felt wrong.

I looked up at him and sighed. "I don't know, I just want something." I laid my head down on the table and grabbed my stomach.

On one side, the baby was kicking, on the other side, it just felt strange. I didn't like it.

"Rice," I said suddenly. "Please make me some rice," I asked him.

He walked towards a cupboard and took out a box of instant rice. I groaned loudly as he poured the rice into the pot.

I heard him slam the rice on the counter and he sat down next to me. Without even noticing it, I started to cry. He pet my hair gently.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked me. "Why are you crying?"

I shook my head from side to side, unsure of what to do. "I just . . . It doesn't feel right, Kidoh. It hurts a little on this side."

He was silent for a second. "Do you want to go to the hospital and get everything checked out? Just to be sure it isn't serious."

I sat up slowly and stared at the table, massaging the other side of my stomach that wasn't moving. I nodded my head absently. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," I said.

He took my hand in his and we made our way to the hospital.


3rd part out of 12.

What do you think is wrong with her? Comment what you think.

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