1. The A Company.

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"I'm very proud to have you, my daughter

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"I'm very proud to have you, my daughter. Look at you already young lady at 14. I have no doubt you will take care of us when we grow old." My mother said, her eyes turned serious and kissed my forehead.

"Mom why are we having this conversation?" I laughed nervously.

"I just want you to know that I'm very glad that everything we've been through didn't tormented you and led you astray"


"Sabrinna." A voice called out from behind me.

I turned around to face Jenny. Jenny is my coworker at the hospital and works as physiologist.

"You have a meeting with the boss in 5min, I just had one with him. Just thought I should remind you." She smiled and I returned her smile.

"Thank you, I'll come out in a minute."

She nodded and close the door behind her.

I turned back to my father sleeping on the hospital bed. Finally I can keep an eye on him now. My dream came true. I finally became the doctor I wanted. The cardiologist that I wished to be just to help my father. He's all I have in this world.

I checked his pulse and righted the infusion. I went out the room before I kissed his cheek. Sweet dreams dad.

I made my way to the boss room.
I've only been working as a doctor 4months and now the boss wants to see me. I wonder what he would say.

I graduated from the university not long ago and found a job quickly. Alhamdulillah, ever since I began working it's been easier to take care of father and his bills for his medications. I had it really difficult to study and work three part time jobs before.

A month ago he collapsed in his wheelchair. I nearly got a heart attack, shortly he got transported to the hospital I work at and ever since then he's been here.

He woke up but he needed treatment. He needed treatment before but we could not afford it and only bought some medications that ease the pain in his heart a little. But now I can finally afford his treatment.

When I reached the office, I knocked on the door. I heard I faint 'come in' and opened and went inside.

"Hello, please sit down." Mr Anderson said I sat down.

We don't usually meet a lot just when needed like signing the job contract or discussing work policies. But the boss is not that harsh or evil like people portray their boss. At least he treated me nicely.

"So Sabrina, you are an excellent employee and do your job perfectly. " he started.

Where is this going? Is this where I get fired? Why do i feel like an'but' is coming. But to my surprise an 'and' came out instead.

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