20. I Still Need You

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Khaled's POV

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Khaled's POV

It's been two days since the death of Sabrinna's father and I still haven't heard from her. I know where she is but not how she is feeling. People asked me how my future wife is and where the she is. My only answer was she's sick.
By the time my patience ran out which was yesterday I got worried. Somehow Sabrinna managed to get these emotions out of me since Anya left me for a brat and now that I'm a CEO she got under my mother's protection and won her affection.

I'm surprised she still has the strength to look at me in the eye and smile like she didn't break my heart. I was ready to risk everything, I was ready to leave my life behind for her but she broke my heart. I however am glad I didn't reveal my family's wealth. It was evident that she was a gold digger and I don't do gold diggers. It was because of her that I decided to marry Sabrinna to begin with. Now I'm not even sure I want to continue with this fake relationship because I can feel myself falling for her.

When we were at the gym I felt myself feeling something then. I don't know what it was. Was it her experience in life? Or her honesty at everything? Maybe her mature and her innocence? Or was it her difference from me? I don't know what is was but it has to be something for me to take interest in because she is so much different from the girls I usually like. Girls like Anya.

Now I'm pacing in front her apartment, debating if I should knock or not. Feeling almost nervous which I do not know why, I summoned all my courage and my knuckles met the door twice. A pair of seconds passed and I knocked again. Another pair of seconds has passed and I was ready to go to work but was stopped by the door being pulled back. My eyes met a pair of empty ones. I almost flinched at how depth less pit of darkness it looked. Her face did not betray any emotions as usual. As I scanned her face I realized that she did not cry at all. How she keeps a straight face all time is still a mystery. What has she been through to act like this? My heart aches at what little trust she has in love and trust itself. 

I opened my mouth Before closing it again like a fish. "Are you going to work?" She asked. I paused for a moment to find sadness or anger in her voice but nothing. It's like we're having a normal conservation after a few normal days. I nodded " Lets go together." I said after I cleared my throat. We made our way to my car in silence. It wasn't uncomfortable but the air was tight. When we settled in the car side by side, I turned the key an sped off to the Company. 

"Let's end this engagement." I broke the silence and then I felt her gaze but I still looked ahead on the road. 

"Why all of sudden? I thought you needed this lie."She said her voice still calm. 

"I do need it but you don't have a reason to do this now since your-" My voice gave up on me like it knew that topic was still sensitive. I felt her gaze leave me and at the corner of my eyes I could see her stiffen. 

"No I still need you. I have something that only you and marriage can help me with." 

I frowned "What is it?" I asked when I parked on the parking lot and faced her. She met my eyes and sighed. "I want to take my little sister back." 

"You have a sister?" My brows rose a little. How many more secrets does she have inside of her? Does Layla, her best friend even know half of it? Why doesn't she rely on others? These questions flew around my mind as she spoke. "Yes, we couldn't take care of her so she had to stay with my aunt for a while." I felt that 'while' meant another thing.  

"How old is she?" I dared to ask and at the corner of my eyes I saw her smiling lightly.

"12 years old. She must have become a lady now. It's been 7 years I've seen her." I didn't now what to say to her. I didn't even know how to react. Poor her, she must have suffered in Life and all I have trouble with is only my mother and some silly matters. I felt embarrassed over myself compare to her. 

"I'll do whatever I can to help you get her back." I promised both to her and myself that I will try harder to make her life easier. I don't know why but I felt the need to protect her. She has no one in this world and I could see that she has trouble relying on people. 


Sabrinnas POV

I felt numb. My insides has gotten cold after I buried my father until now. I couldn't cry. I forced myself to cry but I couldn't. Hadn't I loved my father enough? Or was I keeping the promise I made him to not cry but pray for him. The past two days I was on my knees praying to my lord to grant him paradise. To make me survive this world alone. I suddenly felt scared. There's no one beside me anymore. 

I heard a knock that made whip my head up. There I saw my aunt, Anya's mother making her way inside my office like she owned the place. She wore a very expensive looking dress and a heavy make-up on. 

"I'm sorry for your lost." She said and I felt anger bubbling out of me.

How dare she? If it wasn't for her, my father wouldn't be 6 feet under.

"Get out." I glared at her struggling to keep myself calm.

"I'm not finished talking, Sabrina."

"We have nothing to talk about."

"Yes we do and this concerns your sister." She had a smug face on which I wanted wiped off.

"My lawyer will contact you about that." I simply dismissed her and shifted my eyes to the computer in front of me.

"No I want you leave Khaled honey or I will make sure you won't get your sister back ever." So that Anya will have a chance? No way.

"Please enlighten me. How are you going to do that?" This time my attention was on her. What games is she playing now?

She walked to the couch beside my desk and dropped one leg on the other. "You know seven years is a long time right. A lot can happen and I'm afraid that little Safa has forgotten about you and lives happily with us. She even considers me her real mother so she will listen to whatever I say to her and obey."

"How dare you? Are you threatening me now?!" I almost shouted as I slammed my hands on the desk. She smirked like she is having all the fun in the world.

"I will say it again." She began before standing up and locked her vicious eyes with mine. "Leave Khaled and you will get your sister as fast as you do or.... you will never see little Safa again."


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Later beauties❤

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