8. My cat...

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"Are you going to leave me?" My years old little sister's voice cracked

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"Are you going to leave me?" My years old little sister's voice cracked.

"No honey, no. I'll come back for you, I promise. I'll just help for father for a while, it won't be long."

"No! Sab!! Don't leave me!" She screamed as my cousin dragged her back to the house. And I turned away as a tear slipped from my eye.

Khaled in his dark, neat, expensive suit was crouching down and tickling my cat while he smiled. I though I was seeing things. Khaled does not smile but to think he would do that to my cat is unbelievable. He stood up after he grabbed Michat and cuddled it in his arms. He then looked at me frozen beside the door.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, his voice was rough but his hands on my cat looked soft. Call me crazy.

"I live here." I said slowly keeping my face expressionless.

"Since when?" he narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously. God I hate him. How did he manage to make me lose control. He makes all my plans disappear.

"I just moved in, sir."

For a few seconds we had an intense stare, neither of us wanting to back down. "I want a full report of your work so far in my office in 10 min." he said and started walking away with my cat in his arms.

"My cat..." I started but stumbled upon my words when he gave me a glare, daring me to talk.

"Excuse me?" he raised his brows and I decided to shut up. "I thought so." And he was gone.

How am I supposed to get to the office in 10 min?!

Breath Sabrinna, breath. First thing to do is to find a cab. Yes of course. I turned and closed the door to my apartment Before I grabbed my purse.

It took a good 8min for the taxi driver to get pass the heavy traffic. As soon as I entered the building people I don't recognize looked at me with shockness in their eyes as they whispered something to the person beside them. It continued like that until I felt like running directly to my office. Their stare made me uncomfortable but I kept my head up nonetheless seeming unaffected.

"And the most famous person in the company have finally showed up." a voice said and I turned around to see who it was. A smiling David with a very colorful suit faced me.

"What do you mean?" I crooked my head to the side and he grinned now as he came closer and whispered. "You do know you defied the CEO yesterday right? no one does that and news travel very fast here. So you have some fans and enemies from now on."

"And I need to know that because..."

"I just don't want you quit the job already. I like you too much to let you go." he winked and wriggled his brows which almost made me laugh. "Oh you cracked a smile didn't you?" he whisper-screamed. I quickly made my face neutral.

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