3. New Place

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"What is it, darling? Why are you sad?" My mom turned her head to me when I sat beside her

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"What is it, darling? Why are you sad?" My mom turned her head to me when I sat beside her.

"Do I have to go to school?" My voice was low with a hint of fear in it.

"What do you have to fear?"

"Meeting new people. I hate that, it's so hard to find friends." I moved close to her and hugged her waist.

"Don't be afraid of trying new things, indeed that's what will make you grow and wiser."


"Sabrinna Karim, Ando Satsuki and Jenny Mickealson, I'm glad to meet you all. Come on in and we can discuss inside." A guy with a heavy British accent smiled brightly as he stepped sideways to let us all enter in what seemed like an office. Probably his.

We all moved inside and took a seat beside each other. The guy sat in front of us.

"I'm David Cameron, The Director's secretary and I will personally look over you and handle your work so if you have any question now or later don't hesitate to ask." He smiled.

He seems like a cheerful young man which is making me wonder how he became the Director's secretary. Not that I have a problem with him. As far as I've heard about the Director, he does not sound so cheerful.

"If that's so I have a question." It was Ando that spoke now.

"Shoot." David said.

"We are doctors in a IT company. What exactly is our job here?"
I haven't really though about that until now. What are we going to do in a whole year here?

David nodded before he said "You will do your job as doctors. We have around 60 departments and 3 sections. We need a doctor in each section which is why we have requested 3 doctors. We had alot of new projects in the past 2 years which needed more workers so we hired around 40 new workers every three months."

Wow just how big is this company? I mean I know we almost got lost while finding the receptionist but I did not think it will be THAT huge.

"You see the more our company expands, the more infections spreads. We have had a lot staffs that called in sick these past two months and the projects were postponed because of it. Your job is to come up with a plan for the company to be as clean and bacteria free as possible and check every worker's health. We are running up for the most reliable and healthy company as well as the most successful in New York so no distraction from the projects." He finished.

Again wow. So that was our job. But wait a minute...

"How many people work in each department?" I asked.

"About 40, I believe." He answered and Jenny's and Ando's mouths dropped while my face became blank. 40×60= 2400!!!

He was startled when he saw our faces change and said "Don't worry, we are prepared to extend our agreement and increase your salary if it comes to that."

If I thought 1 year is a long time now I know that it will be a short and tough time. No wonder they offer double salary.

"Do you have anymore questions?" David asked and we all shook our heads. "Now then Jenny will be in section 3, Ando in section 2 and Sabrinna in section 1. Since I work in the same section I'll show Sabrinna her office and there's two people outside waiting for you two." He said gesturing to Jenny and Ando.

He grabbed the three black folders with our name on and gave them to us. "In here you will find your schedule, a map on the company and some informations that is important to know if you going to work here." He stood up and smiled "Once again, welcome and may you enjoy your time here."

Indeed there was two staff waiting for Ando and Jenny outside the office. I bid them goodbye before they went their way. I followed David like a lost puppy as I took in my surroundings.

Yeah it will take a while until I get used to the company.

When we got to the floor 60 we passed by a lot of people who were scarred focused on their work.

The guys/men and the girls/women were dressed neatly and professionally. I felt so out of place with my plain black dress and grey scarf on my head but good thing no one paid attention to me.

David showed where my office is which was corner away from everyone but there only one office that faced mine.

The door my office had a sign that said Dr. Sabrinna. I remember when I used be obsessed about obtaining that title and now I got it. How fast time goes frightens me.

"One last advice from a colleague to another, keep everything in order and neat. The boss hates seeing a mess in the company. And.." he looked at me and smiled slightly "don't talk back to him unless he tells you to speak."

"Mr K is here!" Someone shouted and everyone started to scramble.

The chattings became quiet and everyone stood in line like they were used to it. The old, young, man and woman were all up. They formed two neat lines facing each other, some had folders in their grasp. Me and David stood at the end of the line.

A man with a black tight suit that hugged his body turned from the corner and walked with grace, my cheeks flushed.

The aura that overflowed around him was dark and serious. I felt like my breath had been knocked out of my lungs as a pair of hazel eyes caught my dark brown ones.

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Later beauties ❤

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