2. It's Going To Be Okay

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"You know our religion is truly peace

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"You know our religion is truly peace." My mother voice was heard from kitchen. I was sitting on the table in front of her reading our holy book.

"How so?" I turned my attention to her.

"There's a reward for every hardship you go through. And... you just need to let go. Your sorrow, nervousness, sadness everything that's burdening you. Just let go because know that everything happens for a reason. Face the facts and leave everything to Allah. For your life was written before the earth was created so when you learn to let go and put your trust in our creator. That's when you will find happiness and peace."


I woke up to the sun blinding me. The bed under me was so comfortable I did not want to move. But I had to because the sun is bugging me.

I opened my eyes, blinking away the temporarily blindness.

In a flash I jumped out of the bed.

What the-

Where am I?!

I instantly put my hands over my head and sighed in relief when I felt my hijab.

I still had my clothes on from yesterday.

Then the memory from yesterday came crashing down on me.

I fainted.

But I never faint. Not even when I had it tougher days than yesterday, I just became really weak, not faint.

Calm down Sabrina, panicking won't get you anywhere.

I examined the room I was in. The room was simple, no decorations or anything personal. It looked like a guest room. Not that I have a guest room in my apartment.

I barely can afford a bed to sleep in so I usually sleep on the floor and live in an rented room with a small kitchen and bathroom.

But this room was much, much bigger than my whole apartment. The room stretched for a dozen of meters. A king sized bed stood in the middle with a plain white sheets. Two nightstand on each side and table with its chair at a corner. That's it.

Nothing else.

I grabbed my purse that was on the floor and I walked out of the room.
Before i reached for the handle of the door, the door burst open and there stood my best friend.



"Why are you here?" I asked confused.

She came up to me and hugged me.
"Thank God you're ok. I was worried when I heard from Khaled that you collapsed."


"The guy-" I began but Layla pulled away and looked at me.

"Yes, Khaled brought you here because he didn't know where you lived."

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