Love Lost

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My original goal for the Hijabi's boss was a happy ending like the fairy tail and destinies gone right but as I kept writing the story I noticed that Sabrinna was broken beyond repair. She lost every hope and light in life to find happiness. I tried to come up with a solution for her disastrous life and Khaled being her knight in shinning armor but it felt wrong, it felt fake.

Then my goal changed to being real, writing about how I think broken people are like, making Sabrinna lose everything and let it all go. She became lonely, sad, scared and insecure. She lost the will to keep fighting for the things she wants and that includes fighting for the love she has for Khaled because she is tired.

And I don't know if you have noticed but for the most of the chapter begins with a memory, an advice from her parents that she did not take but one. The one that said interracial would doom her, Sabrinna toke that as an advice that justifies why she left Khaled. She still in denial that she is broken and needs help as she keeps a strong front as a disguise.

As for Khaled, he understood her as much as he could. For he never lost anything in life nor did he know how grieve. So all he could was let her go because otherwise she would turn to ashes.

Maybe this story was not meant for love to win. This story is about tasting the bitterness of loss.

And for once love was not enough to save her.

Thank you for reading and from the bottom of my heart I hope you guys have great life.

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