22. Good Bye

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I cannot believe she rejected me

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I cannot believe she rejected me. Then again why would she accept me. I really wanted to know her more as I feel in love with her in the process but I guess I can't force her to love me if she doesn't. My heart aches for her, I cannot believe I'm going through this again after Anya. I think love was not meant for me in this lifetime. I should really stop getting my hopes up.

She did not come to work yesterday. Is she leaving work because of me?

Devastated and stuck in my mind I dragged my feet through the main hall and in my office. I slumped down on the comfortable chair that was behind me and I froze when my eye caught the paper on my table.

Resignation letter by Sabrinna.

I examined the letter for a moment still frozen in my seat and when I came back to the earth, the reality came crashing down on me. Not only did she reject but she hated me enough to leave the job.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed Mr Anderson. After a few signals I heard his voice.

"Anderson is speaking."

"Hello I am Khaled Abdullah The CEO of the A Company, I was wondering where Dr. Sabrinna is."

"Uh- hello sir, did she not tell you?" He sounded flustered and then I frowned.

"Tell me what?"

"Sabrinna moved to Dubai yesterday and asked me to transfer her remaining internship there." 

It seemed like the world stopped. She is gone for real now. My eyes found the corner of her resignation letter. There she wrote To Khaled in a small elegant writing style. I bid Mr Anderson goodbye as I found the answer I needed. I then quickly opened the envelop and roam my eyes over the words.

Dear Khaled

It's me Sabrinna, I pretty sure you don't want to see me or hear about me after what I have done but I felt like I owe you an explanation. I did not meant to break your heart, I really did not meant to leave you like that but I had no choice. I need a pilar in my life Khaled, something that keeps me together and that fitted my sister perfectly. She is the only blood I have in this cruel world, the only person that keeps me fighting so I had to do anything to get her back. To leave and start again somewhere new, somewhere I would not be reminded every tragic day of my life.

Aside from that, the other reason I left was because I did not want to stain your perfect life with my struggles and broken heart. Khaled, you were perfect and have a happy future ahead of you and your mother wanted to protect you from me which I totally understand. You were not the only guy but the only person that ever asked me if I was okay. Did you know that made me happy? To have someone even bothers to ask those simple words meant everything to me.

Time were not in our favor though. I wish we have spent more happy moments together. I wish I could have brought with me fun memories. But time flew passed us like a tornado leaving everything in a wreck, I mean it wasn't long ago I fainted in front of your car and you brought me to your house for protection which I did not thank you for yet. Thank you.

Would you believe me if I said I loved you too? After the conversation we had in the gym I did not think I would feel this emotion so soon. But I loved you and will probably still love you. You however need to save this sacred emotion to someone better than me, someone that deserve your love and will complete your life as you will bring new life to this earth together. Someone that is not broken.

Thank you for loving me when I did not even deserve to be loved by someone so bright like you. I'm sorry for not getting it back but you deserve to be happy. And I wish from the deepest part of my heart that still has light, that you get whatever you wish for in this life.

Good bye Khaled and take care of yourself.


Without I realized a tear dropped on my cheek. I hope she finds happiness in wherever she settles in. I pray she finds peace in herself.

And this is how their journey ends

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And this is how their journey ends. I know it was short and unsatisfying but it was how I wanted to end the story just Sabrinna finding her way in life and staring over away from the place that reminds her everything that was bad.

Next chapter is an epilogue of Sabrinnas new life. Will she be happy or live the remaining years of her life in regret?

As always thank you and I will post an explanation chapter next week of how I came up the conclusion of ending this story.


Later beauties ❤

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