6. Do I Have A Reason To Smile?

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"Remember Sabrinna, no matter what happens, know that I would be with you

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"Remember Sabrinna, no matter what happens, know that I would be with you. If not by your side then in your heart. Both you and your sister. Do not lose hope nor be sad."  I couldn't see my mother's face but her smiling lips was clear. 


"Thank you for assisting me in the surgery. God we seriously need more doctors in this hospital." Dr Johnsson said, the neurologist. After the ambulance came I rode with them to report what I have seen and how I helped her. And somehow there was only one doctor on the neurologic section which was Dr Johnsson so I had to step in and assist him with the surgery after I read the instructions because I don't performe those types of surgeries. And it was not a big surgery, just a small wound inside her neck that needed stiching up.  

"It wasn't a big deal." I took off my bloody gloves along with the bloody apron I had on. 

"Can you do me one last favor before you go? I will really appreciate it and don't worry it's not another surgery." Dr Johnsson smiled at me will pleading eyes. Johnsson was like a baby in this hospital and everyone treats him like their own son even those who are younger than him but sometimes he can be serious and intelligent. 

He's only a year older than me so even if we're not in the same section , he helped me alot to adjust the flow here. All the doctors had the same rutin just in different categories. With his 'handsome' looks he's very popular in this hospital but I'm not that obessed with him. My female collegues often ask me how I can't find him attractive and swoon when he talks to me. I just ignore them. I mean I can't deny he's good looking, I'm not blind but I don't feel like 'worshiping' his handsomness like the others.

"What is it?"

"On my desk you will find a paper where the patient's kin's number is on. Can you please inform them what happened? Or just ask them to come here and I will take care of the rest?"

"Allright." I said. 

"Thank you you're the best and will it hurt to smile a little? I've never seen you smile since you started working here" he narrowed his eyes at me, trying to look serious. "If so I can give you some morphine to help ease the pain."

"Do I have a reason to smile?"

"Duh! To show some kindness" he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world as crossed his arms on his chest. 

"Those who are evil smile too while uttering unpleasant words. Is that also kindness?" I know that more than anyone else. 

He wanted to say something but the words halted in his throat. He looked at me with shockness and confusion on his face. 

"Anyways, don't you have somewhere to be?" I said before things get awkward. He looked dazzed for a moment before his eyes widened.

"Shit! I've been called for emergency attention. I will leave her family to you!" he yelled after me as he dashed away. I felt scowlding him. If you get an emergency attention, for better it is a cardiac arrest and for worst a patient is dead. God he's so irresponsible.

I walked to his desk in the doctors office and grabbed the paper before I sat on his chair and dialed one of the many numbers that was on it. 

After a few beeps, a deep voice answered. "Hello?" the voice was too familiar.

"Hello, This is Sabrinna Karim speaking, a doctor in NY Hospital. I'd like to inform you that..." I quickly looked down to see the patient's name."... Sofia Salam had a little incident and she's been brought here. Can you come here as soon as possible so that you can talk the doctor that is incharge of here?"  

"Is she allright?" I heard the voice panic. I could have sworn I heard this voice somewhere. 

"Right now she is not in a critical condition but her doctor will inform you Everything once you get here. I'm afraid I can't tell you anything precisely." 

"Ok I'm on my way." and the call ended. 

I grabbed my jacket from the chair and a necklace fell on the ground. Epilepsy. I did not realise that I took it with me. I need to return this to her. I stood up and started Walking to her room.  

My mind drifted back to the voice from the call. Where have I heard that voice from? It felt too familiar and that I've heard him recently. But from where? 

I didn't realize that I've reached her room until I came face to face with a white door. I knocked gently before I entered. The woman slept so peacefully, I almost felt bad for knocking. I walked to the night stand beside her bed with my toes, not wanting to disturb her from her sleep. But after I put her necklace on the table she shot up from her bed so that she was sitting now. I whipped my head to her shocked. 

"Sabine? Sabine you're here!" she grabbed my hand and pulled me down to hug me. 

At first I was confused but then I remembered that she had dementia. She must have me confused with someone else. I hugged her back and stroked her back. 

"My name is Sabrinna and you are currently in the hospital. Your..." I hesitated to remember who I called over here "...your grandson is coming anytime soon." I guessed who the man was. He sounded young enough to be her grandson.

I tried to pulled away but she hugged me even tigher. "Don't leave me Sabine, please stay with me."she pleaded with her voice cracking. 

No one hugged me in years and I forgot how it felt like being in someone's arms. The feeling was unfamiliar but her arms was warm and welcoming. I remembered my mom, how she would hug me everytime I came home from the school. But the sad part is that I do not remember her hugs, if they were warm or cold. I wonder if it felt like this. If it had this warmth. Did I melt then? Because I was melting on the inside in the foreign woman's arms. Even my mother's face is blurry in my mind. The only thing that I have with me is her words. Her advices. It's been 7 years that I've lost my lost my mother. 7 years that I've struggled to keep my family together. 7 years since I've been away from....

Stop Sabrinna! You will get her back.


The only thing that keeps me sane is her and my father. I think without them I would have lost the will to live.

The door brusted open and there stood...


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Later beauties ❤

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