16. Love Birds

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"Respect others sweety especially the elders because a respectful girl can reach everywhere

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"Respect others sweety especially the elders because a respectful girl can reach everywhere." My mom's voice echoed through the hall of my aunt's house.

The morning came and I rode with Khaled to the Company. According to him I will begin going to work with him starting from today until we get divorce. He will announce our engagement today too. I sat on the passenger's seat, playing with my fingers as I watched Buildings and tree racing from the window. I tried to freshen up a Little so I had some mascara and lip gloss on with a blue-brown dress and a scarf that matched with it. Khaled had his usual tight-fitted suit, this time the suit was navy. His trained on the road ahead and sometimes glancing at me over his shoulder.

In a matter a minutes we found ourselves in front of the Company. When we got out of the car Khaled wrapped his hand around mine which sent jolts up to my spine. I stiffened and he paused. "From this second on we are in love, just follow my lead." he sent me a small smile that made my breathing stop and he dragged me in.

People threw glances at me and Khaled so much so I was getting uncomfortable but Khaled didn't mind. Was it because we held hands? Of course that's why what am I thinking?

We slid between the sea of people walked towards the elevator. Beside the elevator Malik and David stood there, both facing us as if they were expecting us.

"And here comes the love birds." Malik whistled and David grinned as he nudged Malik's side.

Wait. How did they know? As far as I know we haven't announced yet. I frowned and looked up at Khaled but he brushed me off and squeezed my hand lightly which made my insides flip. I put my pokerface on Before they see the confiusion on my face. 

Khaled rolled his eyes at them and dragged me in the elevator shutting it before David and Malik got in. 

"How do they know that? When did you tell them?" I asked as I let go of his hand, I don't know if it was me or did he hesitat to let go? Suddendly my hand felt empty and cold without his. I rubbed my hands together for this uneasiness to disappear.  

"I contacted a reporter to confirm our engagment so that they have something to write about. But the news came out faster than I expected." He said as he walked towards his office. I nodded and halted my steps and turned to mine but Khaled stopped me before I had a chance to. 

"Where are you going?" his voice came out surprised. 

"To work?" I mean I was supposed to work right and besides I have a presentation that needs a little touch. 

"Come inside we need to talk." he said and turned away to enter his office, I mindlessly went after him and closed the door not wanting anyone to hear whatever he wanted to discuss. 

"About what will happen very soon if my instincts are right." 

When I whirled back to face him I almost crashed into his chest but my balance was great so I jumped back. That scared me more than I thought because I had trouble to breath for a few seconds. I nodded trying to control my breath and heartbeat. He frowned and he probably saw my battle because he said as he moved closer. "Are you alright?"

Oh God he was really close, panic rose inside me as I felt my throat closing up. I watched him with wide eyes and nodded not trusting my voice. Thank god someone decided to intrupt by kicking the door open which made us both step back from each other and looked at who it was. 

There stood Khaled's mother fumming with rage. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as we both stared at her in confusion. Auntie walked toward us and slammed a news paper on the table with Khaled's picture on the front.

"What's the meaning of this?!" she spoke with authority and when I looked up at Khaled, he looked calm like he was expecting this. Didn't he inform her that he was going to get married?

"It is excatly as it says. Mother I going to marry Sabrinna." he said dangerously calm but I could see the storm raging between them. Here I thought they had a great relationship together. 

"All of a sudden?! And I'm finding out like this?! Through a news paper ?!"She yelled and people were gathering in front of the office. His father however stood there smirking as if this whole scenario was hilariouse. What was so funny about this situation, I wonder. Auntie's eyes snapped at me and took a step at me. "You." She began. "How did you seduce my boy, huh? By acting innocent or flirty?" 

I couldn't speak, I wanted to shut her off but instead I stood there utterly defensless while a woman at my mother's age spoke those words. Would it have been different if my mom was alive? At least then I would have someone to stand up for me. I lowered my eyes and prepared myself for whatever was coming next out of her mouth. 

"I will never accept you as a family. You never be my daughter in law. I don't open my family to a black girl  who doesn't fit our image." she spat out with so much force I flinshed. 

"Mother!" Khaled roared and grabbed my hand to pull me behind him. "Stop this! I chose her as my bride and I refuse to listen to you insulting her." 

His mother watched him with wide eyes "Are you taking her side instead of your own mother?" she whispered shocked.

"I don't remember having a mother who treats other like they're trash." after that he squeezed the wrist he was grabbing and lead me out of office as the crowd ran to act like they were not listening at all. Behind me I saw her screaming after us while his father held her back and whispered something into her ear which made her stop. 

I couldn't stop a tear from rolling down. I never in my life be insulted like that. I should have listened to my mother warning. To stay away from guys that have a different etnecity than ours. To never fall for one. 

Maybe I can keep one of them. To never fall for Khaled. 


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Later beauties ❤

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