7. Memories

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"Please." I saw my father holding my aunt's hand, begging as I stood behind the huge door that was left ajar showing a big room. The house was like a mainson after all. "Just until I get better or Sabrinna gets older. Take care of Safa for me." 

My aunt looked down at my father who was sitting in his wheelchair. "Safa won't be a problem but I can't take care of you two. We barely have enough to feed ourselves let alone you two." 

"Thank you, thank you." he thanked her over and over again. A tear dropped across my cheek and I slowly walked away from the door.


Khaled stood beside the door looking at me and then the woman hugging me before he walked over to us and sat beside the woman. He was still in the suit he had this morning. His cold hand brushed mine as he put it on the woman's back, stroking her gently. I shivered, still pressed on her body.

"Let her go Ma." he spoke and pulled her arms just enough for her to see him. When her eyes met his she leaped form me to his arms. I took a few steps back from them, not wanting to ruin their moment.

"Khaled." she pulled away and looked at me and then at Khaled. "Sabine, she's here. She came back to me." she pointed at me and I stood there. She looks old enough to be his grandmother but I haven't heard from Layla that they had a sick grandmother in the house.

His Eyes turned to me. "Can you leave us?" he said without any kindness in his eyes nor his voice. I think my face went as cold as my insides because his eyes widened a little before turning back to the woman. This man has no shame nor respect.

Don't lose your cool Sabrinna, he's not worth it.

"Excuse me." I said and walked out.


I sighed and finally entering my little apartment ready to end the day. This day has been pretty long. I looked around the apartment I've spent half of my life in. One small room that a had a single mattress on a corner with a dozen medical books surrounding it. From there you can see both the small kitchen that only one person can fit and the closed door of the bathroom. 

Even if the apartment does look like uninhabitable, it's been here I went through most of my struggles. I could see my 17 years old self crying silently on the corner of the room beside her sleeping father because she just lost her mother and was forced to get out of her old house because they couldn't pay the rent and the only 'family' they had, closed the door on their faces taking her little sister with them. 

I could see my 19 years old self determine showing on her face wiping the sweat off of her father's forehead because he was having a fever and she couldn't do anything besides being there for him. My 22 years old self scribbling on the paper with frustration in her actions as a lot of books  surrounding her, for med school was hard but she had to pass this exam. I've just became a resident and my residency is on hold now because of the work I do in the company, so I still have some years to go to becoming a real doctor. I really will miss this place but I have to move on with my life so that my father and little sister have a home to come back to. I need to move on. For myself. For my father. For my little sister. 

Something tickled my feet, bring me back to reality. I looked down and smile at what I've found. Michat, my white small cat.  I found Michat at my apartment when I left my father in the hospital after he collapsed. I have not found her owner so I've decided keep her because I was feeling lonely and very emotional then. She had a necklace that said Michat around her throat so I let her keep the name. 

I crunched down and picked it before I went and sat on the mattress. I stroked Michat as she curled up against me. "Michat, I found a place and we're moving tomorrow morning. We're beginning a new life." 

I did not know when I slept last night but I found myself looking up at the ceiling with Michat beside me still sleeping. I glanced at my old watch on my wrist as it read 6:26, I won't began work until 8:00 so I still got time to move. Slowly I got up from the mattress and grabbed the few clean and new clothes I owned from the pile of clothes that was on the ground. I changed my clothes to a wine red dress and black scarf on my head before I put the remaining selected clothes in a small black suitcase I brought few days ago.

I did my morning routine and I got out with Michat on one hand and the suitcase with other. I glanced at the apartment one last time and turned around with a smile on my lips. 

When I got to the Plaza I will be living in, I threw the little suitcase I had in my hands on the couch. Suddendly the apartment felt bigger and empty. Technically it was bigger than my old one but I felt... forget it. 

I need a phone and clothes now but I can go shopping after work. I walked down the corridor to check out my bedroom. This apartment had three bedrooms but one was slightly bigger than the others. I let the biggest one for my father or my sister, I don't really care how big the room is, just somewhere to sleep. So the room I picked was all the way down the corridor. I was astonished when I opened the door. Everything you could ever need was in here. It turned out I didn't pay for no reason. The rent was worth it. 

The whole room was blue/grey. The walls, the king-sized bed, the funiture and even the matt on the floor. Everything matched together. I think this room was meant for a male but good thing I like dark colours. I was satisfied how my new room looked like, only this room was bigger than my old apartment. And I could get used to this but I did not dare to enjoy. Not while my father is in the hospital, not when my little sister is the hands of the family who turned their backs on us when we needed help. God knows how she's being treated now, my poor girl. 

Michat's moan brought me out of my thoughts. Somehow she keeps saving me from my own mind. I looked down to find her rolling around on the floor. I chuckled and crunched down to stroke her fluffy white fur. Suddendly she ran towards the door fast. I whipped my head to where she ran off to. "Michat come back here!"

I walked down the corridor and to my horror the front door was opened and it didn't take a genius to figure out where she went. I made steps faster and pulled the door wide open and I froze at the sight. 

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Later beauties ❤

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