18. Be A Leader

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I stared at him shocked to see him show this kind of expression

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I stared at him shocked to see him show this kind of expression. Whatever he was thinking about must a great event that happened in his life. Maybe it was a girl he loved before. That made me curious about it. What could it possibly be? What could make him look like that?

Khaled dropped my wrist and his expression was back being normal. I punched him in the guts thinking I did it too hard but he didn't even budged. I smirked "Finally, gotcha."

Khaled was surprised for a second but a grin started to appear on his lips. "That's called cheating, champion."

I lifted my chin up to him. "It's not cheating if we're still playing."

He narrowed his eyes at me and that made me see how close we really were. "Why you..."

I took two steps back as my mind came crashing down to earth. What am I doing here playing with him like everything is fine? Not long ago has his mother insulted me and here I am being close to him and asking each other about our hobbies.

Khaled must have noticed my thoughts because all amusement left his expression.

"We should go back to work." I stated while looking anywhere but him.

"No, let's not go to work today. I don't feel like scowling the employees." He dropped down on the floor to lay as his arm were behind his head. I sat down beside him hugging my legs so I could take as little space as I can. 

"Then don't scowl them. Be a leader and not a boss, if you show them respect, you will get respect back. Fearing you does not lead them anywhere only making them hate what they work with." I said staring dead in his eyes. He suddenly got up and I saw how his face came close mine. I was tempted to shift my eyes from eyes from his but held my ground and kept my poker face on.

My heart was doing a double flips and a jungle rose in my stomach. I suddenly felt conscience of my face. What if I have a pimple or my lips are too dry. That's true I'll die of embarrassment.

He pulled away and got up fixing his gloves and turning to the punching bag.

"W-what?" My voice got shaky. Was he trying to scare me? No response. He started to punch the bag furiously as I just sat there watched his back a few second to comprehend what just happened. "I noticed how two big scars began on the each side of his neck and traveled down behind his shirt. 

Is he really ignoring me when he was the one who dragged me here? I trying really hard to stay positive and unaffected but this somehow is hurting me. I got up not wanting to deal this idiotic when I could visit my father.

I wonder how my father is doing now. I wonder if the doctor scheduled the operation. It's only been a few days ago since I signed the paper that the operator is not responsible if my father dies in the surgery.

My father said that he didn't want to have a surgery but I can't let it go. What if he recovers? All I have to do is pray for a miracle. My father has to survive.

I suddenly felt a hand on my wrist which pulled and turned me back to him.
"Where are you going?" He grumbled.

I titled my head to side not believe him. "I refuse to sit and watch you ignore me when I could be doing much more interesting matters." He flinched and looked down before locking eyes with me.

"I apologies, I didn't meant to ignore you. I got lost in my mind." He looked sincere for a moment there. But that didn't last long as his arrogant face was on. "Now where did you want to go?" He said letting go me.

I glanced on the watched around my left wrist which read 10:30. Have we been here for almost 2 hours? "If we won't work today, I'd like to pay my father a visit. It's been a while since I saw him and I'm getting worried."

He nodded and frowned a little as if he was in a deep thought before he said. "Can I see your father?" I froze. He wants to see my father in his deathbed. My heart was beating fast at the thought of them meeting. "For.. you know, to tell him our engagement." He said quickly and I felt my shoulders relax a little. He meant it like that.

"Yes of course." I managed to utter.
When I entered the hospital room with Khaled by my side, I quickly went up to my father and grabbed his hand before kissing it. Tears were pricking my eyes but I willed them to stop. I refuse to let him see me crying again, before on the rooftop was a mistake on my part. 

"Papa." My voice however didn't help me conceal my sadness. As if my father felt my touch and word, he opened his eyes and turned to me then closed his eyes again.

I read my father's medical journal this morning like I usually do every morning. My father hasn't spoken yesterday. Not even a word they wrote. They also wrote that maybe he lost his memory, that maybe his damaged heart affected his brain and caused dementia. How dare I try to lie to him? How dare I to play around with Khaled? I should not have this luxury when my father can breathe his last breath anytime now.  

Khaled's eyes on me and when I glanced at him he was watching my father calmly breathing through the oxygen mask. I brought my father's hands to my and kissed it while holding it on my lips. 

Khaled spoke up "Is there a plan for him? I know a good doctor that can help him." 

"They're planing a surgery for him, a rare one which my father is against but I'm not taking any chances." I answered quickly. Still looking at my father. 

He came forward to me and slightly pulled my arm to face him. "If there's anything I can help you with, don't hesitate to come to me." His gold eyes burning like a fire as gazed on me. I shuddered because of the intensity of his sincerity. I opened my mouth to say something but my father's deep sighed made me stop and whipped my head him. His chest stopped moving and I quickly put a finger below his nose. I felt nothing. 


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Later beauties ❤

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