Epilogue: Smiling Sincerely

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One year later

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One year later

"Safa! Hurry up! You will be late for school!" I yelled from the kitchen as I turned off the stove and grabbed the plate full of pancakes to put in on the table beside the jam, chocolate and the milk.

"Coming!" I heard her running downstairs and hopped in front of the kitchen's door before dashing to the table. I placed a plate in front of her and one for myself. "Come on chuck it down. You have 15 mins until the school begins." I said as I dug in the breakfast. 

"Sabrinna, today we will go the amusement park. I am so excited!" she smiled with her mouth full. 

"Swallow the food first first so that you won't get chocked." I said she told me more as we headed out to my car and sped up to her school. She kissed my cheek and ran up to her friends before I drove to the hospital. The smell, familiar sight, rooms, clothes everything reminded me my old life. But this time it did not hurt me. This time I did not cry or regret. I greeted my colleagues and changed my clothes before going in the doctors personal room. 

"Sabrinna!" I heard a bright voice behind me as I was pouring myself a cup of coffee. I turned around to see who it was. There I saw the sister of the person I've been going out with for the past 5 months. Maybe we weren't dating but knowing each other more? I actually don't know what we are to each other. I would prefer it if we got married so that we don't keep on committing sins. "Hello Deena." I said and hugged her. 

"I have missed and guess who else does?" she wiggled her brows and I shook my head as I made my way to the couch with my cheeks warm.  Deena knows that her brother and I are 'going out' and I can assure you that she likes us as a couple and waits her nieces or nephews. Her words. They took a vacation for a month to visit their grandmother. "How is grandma?" I asked and sipped the coffee, I still had 10 mins until I met the first patient. 

We talked and talked about everything that has passed us and yet to explore from each other. It reminds me about the friendship I had with Layla and Latifah. They were the best friends I had in my entire life yet I  couldn't fulfill my part of the friendship because I was not honest about things and how I really felt. I have no doubt they would have done anything for me and help with what I ever decide.

But now I slowly lost contact with Latifah as she moved long time ago and Layla now that she has a family to focus on so I also lost contact with her but I'm sure Khaled talked to her about my letter. About me piecing my life together.

Khaled. My heart aches everytime I think about him. How I couldn't protect and cherish the love he had for me. But I know he moved on as I have. And what I prayed for came true, he got married to a woman who was born for him. I read the USA's news last week. I'm happy for him. I am really truly happy for him and I hope he continues to look happy as he was on the picture from the newspaper.

My phone buzzed in my pocket as soon as I said good bye to the patient. Curiously I picked up and scanned my eyes on the screen.

Come to the rooftop love, I have something to tell you. -Z

I smiled at the message. I missed him.

Coming. -S

I basically ran to the elevator and quickly pressed 8 to get to the rooftop with my heart pounding like high schooler. The last time I felt this weird was when I was with Khaled. I shook my head for the thoughts to vanish. He's happy and I am happy. Really.

When I got to the rooftop I turned my head side to side to find the familiar figure. I walked up to him slowly watching his white hospital shirt hug his back showing his muscles. As if hearing my footsteps he turned around. His lips stretched when his gaze fell on me making my stomach turn. His perfect white teeth matched his melanin face that glowed under the sun.

"Hi, love." His said with husky voice and walked toward where I stood. And I smiled. One that reached my eyes.

One that is sincere.

One that is sincere

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This is it guys. I hope you satisfied at how it ended for her as much as I do. She found happiness in the tunder.


Later beauties ❤

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