14. Isn't That His Name?

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"Whatever happens to you, happen for a reason

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"Whatever happens to you, happen for a reason. Sometimes coincident is a synonym for fate so doubt Allah's plan, surely his plan is better than ours." My father choked out clearly having trouble to breathe. I quickly the mask over his mouth.

I tapped on the keyboards fast. My presentation is tomorrow and I'm not half way done. I need to meet up with Ando and Jenny today. I feel that I'm stressing out. I am a doctor for life's sake, I am not cut out for these presentations and paperwork. Scraching my head my Eyes landed on Khaled as he remained calm and gracefully tapping on the classy pitch black keyboard in front of him like he was born to do that. I mean he litterary grew up knowing he would take over the Company and was trained how to be a boss. 

Khaled was surprised when I accepted the deal. I couldn't blame him, not long Before that did I say I wasn't ready to answer and after a few minutes I abrubtly accpeted. But he was glad nonetheless. 

A girl that won't get attached to me easily.

He won't have to worry about that anyway, guys like him are not my type, not that I know what my type really is. 

My thoughts halted when I saw Anya slipping into Khaled's office, a wicked smile on her face. My heart picked up it's pace and I clenched my jaw. Something about her pisses me off. When I was a child our relationship was no different. She Always wanted to take Everything I wanted away from me. For the short period of time me and my father lived with them I hated her and I hated her mother even more. Anya was a little girl like I was, she just wanted to get Everything she desired, like I did but her mother. 

My so called aunt treated me worst than a stranger did. Worst than anyone. But I am thankful to her, she made me realize the truth earlier. And because of her I know now who to trust and not. 

I watched how Anya's finger stroked over his shoulder with that wicked smile of hers still on her face. Khaled was not fazed by it while his lips moved. I could not hear what they were saying when I saw how she let go of his shoulder and frowned a little, I could guess what he said. 

Their lips moved and Anya chuckled every second of their conversation although he did not look like he was joking. A minute later Anya leaned down and kissed his cheek adn his eyes connected with mine through our glas windows. My breath hitched as his dark eyes never left mine even after Anya's lips pulled away. I felt heat creeping up my cheeks when I broke our eye contact and I quickly went out of my office.

I need another cup of coffe and fast. I lost Count of how many coffe I drank in these few hours. I comsume this amount of coffe only when I am nervous or stressed out and it often is the latter. I walked down the long corridor from the main hall to the big kitchen on this floor. These past few days I only learned when my office and the kitchen is. This floor is massive, never mind this company. I feel like I will never learn my way around here. How long did Anya work here? Maybe a few years, and by how she was acting, she maybe is closer to Khaled than anyone. Why didn't he ask her to marry him if they were that Close. 

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