Emotions like anger, nervousness, usually subside when the emotion-causing situation passes. Inadequacy, on the other hand, doesn't just go. It's not fluid, it's always there, just subdued or inflamed. When you feel it for long enough, you almost accept you will feel it forever. I feel inadequate in so many ways- academically, in my relationships, in the way I look. The hardest part is that it takes months to build any sense of self confidence, but only milliseconds to shatter. I hold on to hope that one day I will reach a more lasting contentment, but I know that takes effort, it doesn't just happen. And this is why it is so important to respect yourself, your emotions, your dreams, the vessel that is your body. The power of the mind should never be underestimated; it is the single tool that can imprison or free you. How will you choose to use it?
Positive Thoughts, Positive Life
Spiritual"This year, keep it simple. Happiness is what we seek most." If you're feeling down and seeking inspiration through words that resonate with you, this book has you covered. In the hectic nature of life, the allure of nature and wisdom of spoken word...