Red eyes..

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It's 2:30pm. Mei is waking up

"Ughhhh" groaned Mei as she rolled out of bed and flopped onto the floor. *yawns* "it's so painful to wake up at this time..." Sighed Mei as she slowly stood up with her eyes half closed and dawdled over to the mirror. Mei picked up her brush and started brushing her hair. Her eyes slowly opened up, she suddenly stopped brushing her hair as her hand fell down to her side. (The hair bush was still in her hair because of how knotty it was) "huh!?!?" Said Mei confused, she got up close to the mirror and focused on what was wrong. Her eyes were Red, not because she was 'hungry for blood' but for no reason that she knew. "What!?! I can't go around looking like this?!" Exclaimed Mei.

At that minute Yuuki walked in to find Mei talking to herself. "Uh... Is this a bad time?" Questioned Mei confused. Mei spun around to look at Yuuki, "oh wow your eyes are Red?" Said Yuuki still confused. "Your not blood thirsty or anything right.." Said Yuuki backing away from Mei. "NO WAY?!?!" Said Mei surprised she even suggested that. Mei sat down on the edge of her bed "what should I do.." Mumbled Mei to Yuuki "uh... How about we go talk to Kaname about it?" Said Yuuki thinking of ideas. "Hmm it's better then nothing" sighed Mei walking out of their room not caring that she was still in her pyjamas.

Mei followed behind Yuuki as they walked to Kanames room. *knock knock* "kaname?? You awake yet?" Says Yuuki opening the door walking in with Mei following behind her. "Oh hello Yuuki, Miss Mei" said Kaname sitting at his desk staring at a chess board. "HEY, KANAME. About what you told me, with the Trueblood blood, you didn't lie about that did you." Said Mei glaring at Kaname walking over to him. "Now... Isn't the time Mei.." Mumbled Yuuki stepping back. The expression on Mei's face seemed to angry to try and calm down. "Yes, I did lie." Said Kaname moving a chess piece to another spot on the board.

Kanames windows started to crack "I see you've started to get your powers.." Said Kaname standing up "you need to calm down as he looked over at Mei with a strange colour gleaming of her. "Oh and about your eye colour, since you are just getting your powers they will probably stay like that for a few weeks, maybe less." Said Kaname walking over to Yuuki who was surprised at what she was seeing. "Now if you excuse us, it would be great if you could leave now" smiled Kaname waving Mei goodbye as Mei walked out of his room leaving Yuuki in there. "What the hell!" Yelled Mei punching the wall next to Kaname's door leaving a hole in the wall.

Down stairs.

"What was that?" Said Takuma looking at the others who were sitting in the lounge area. "Who cares.." Mumbled Rima holding some pocky in front of Senri's face. "We will al have to become friends with this Trueblood, you do realise that.." Said Senri to everyone while eating the pocky Rima gave him... "Mmhmm" they all agreed.

Over in the Headmasters office

"I will need you get someone's permission for you to study at this academy are you alright with that?" Said the headmaster looking at the person in front of him "that is fine.." Smiled the person revealing vampire fangs.

Vampire Knight: A Truebloods story vol.1Where stories live. Discover now