Vampires...? Guardians...?

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BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. "Ugh.." Mei groans as she rolls over and turns off her alarm. She rolls back onto her back and yawns "hmm..- wait a minute. What should I do about last night, I have to see Headmaster Cross this morning don't i. I wonder what time he wanted me to visit, he did say the morning and it is only 7am.." Mei decided to roll out of bed and walk over to her mirror. "Messy, messy hair~" she sings quietly to herself, "UNIFORM!" She runs over to her cupboard and pulls out her day class uniform and slips it on. "Okay!" Mei says full of energy "let's do this!" As she slips on her shoes she grabbed her bag and jogs out the door.

"Zero is a vampire, Zero is a vampire" Mei kept saying though her mind. As she was thinking about that she ran straight into Zero himself. "Oh! I'm so sor-" Mei stopped halfway though her sentence. "You.... U-um sorry for bumping into you. I'm just gunna-" "the Headmaster wants to see you" Zero says quietly. "Yeah.. I'll just go and..see him" Mei says looking at the ground. "Well then, this way. He wants to talk about what happened last night.. You haven't told anyone about it right!" Zero questioned as she followed him to Headmaster Cross's office.

Inside Headmaster Cross's office

"You needed to see me sir." Mei says formally as she scans the room she noticed that Yuuki Cross the Headmasters adopted daughter was sitting down eating her breakfast. "ah~ Mei! How lovely to see you~!" Headmaster Cross says happily. Mei looks over to Yuuki still eating her breakfast staring back at her. "Are you Mei?" Yuuki asks looking up at her. "Y-yes I am" Mei replied shyly. "Now Mei, I want to talk to you about last night with the situation with Zero." The Headmaster says seriously. "You said last night that you don't want your memories erased and you have already seen that Zero is in fact a vampire.." As Mei was listening Zero walked in and sat down next to Yuuki. "Are you being serious Headmaster? He is actually a vampire?" Mei says confused.

Right at that moment a night class student walked in. "I hope I'm not late." Said the voice "Kaname-senpai.." Yuuki says smiling. "Ah Kaname you came~ this is the girl I was talking about!"the Headmaster says cheerfully. "Mei Kawani? Am I correct?" Kaname said staring into Mei's eyes with Mei looking back at him. She could easily notice the two sharp shaped teeth when he was talking. "Vampire..?" Mei says quietly. Zero looked at Mei as she said that and stood up and leaned against a wall. "Wow you have a good senses just like a vampire hunter " Kaname said smiling at Mei. "Now Kaname don't go bringing up them yet. She barely understands anything at the moment~" said headmaster cross.

As Mei heard him say that she took a few steps back. "It's okay Mei. Kaname is a good vampire~" Yuuki said smiling at her. "Mei since you have already stated yes Kaname is a vampire, myself and Kaname would like to talk to you about a few things, is that alright?" said the Headmaster. "It's fine.." Mei replied back death staring at kaname. "Now Mei.. Since you have realised I am a vampire there are some rules I would like you to know.." Kaname says looking at Mei. "All of night class are vampires.. So is Zero and so is Yuuki. Yuuki and I are brother and sister" as Kaname said that Mei stood that shocked she didn't know what to think. "W-what.. There are a lot of vampires at this academy?!" Mei exclaims. "They could suck everyone's blood why are they doing here?!" Mei says still in shock. Yuuki looks down to the ground.. "We don't drink people blood all of the time.. Mei." She says looking towards her. "We survive off blood tablets and occasionally each other's" "umm what?" Mei says looking at Yuuki.

"Ah~ now! Mei I'm guessing you've seen or heard of what Zero and Yuuki do. Zero and Yuuki are the guardians of the school and protect the day class students from the night class. Other students in the night class to get hyped up when they smell blood so the guardians prevent the two classes from making much contact. But as you know a lot of the day class students like to fan girl over the night class boys.." Headmaster says casually. "Since you have found out about us.. We are wondering if you could keep this all a secret." Kaname says sweetly.

"Oh Mei I am also wondering if you could be a school guardian yourself because It is hard work for just Yuuki and Zero to do.." Zero looked up at the Headmaster " are you serious headmaster!? Your going to put a student who doesn't know how to protect herself from such beasts?!" Zero says with hate in his eyes, kaname appeared to be smiling at Zero as he said that.

Mei got confused why would Zero say that about vampires
when he was one.. "I'll do it.." Mei says. "Really?!?!" Yuuki says suprised. "You'll do it!? Oh this is so good! I don't have to be stuck with zero any more!" Yuuki says excited. "We will drop by your class to pick you up and show you the basics then.. Zero sighed. looking at Mei annoyed.

Vampire Knight: A Truebloods story vol.1Where stories live. Discover now