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"That...was so hard.." Sniffed Mei as she shut her door then leaned against it and slid down it to the floor. "H-how.. Can I keep this up.." Sobbed Mei and she curled up into a ball on the floor while taking out her contact lense.

Back at headmaster's office
"Headmaster.. I feel like I've met that student before.. but I felt like I got a strange feeling from her." Said Yuuki as she sat down. "Yes.. She does look very familiar.." Said the headmaster looking down at his desk.

"7:30pm night class gates would be opening around now.." Said Mei laying on the floor.. "I want to see them again.. I'm going for a walk it is after curfew but.." Mei stood up and walked out her door and out to the school gardens.

"It's so.." *click click* the sound of the safety trigger being pulled back from a gun, and not just any gun.. "I know that gun.." Mei's eyes widened "zero..." She said quietly.. "And what would a vampire like you be doing in Cross Academy.." He says grabbing Mei's head and holding the Bloody Rose against her head..

"What.. What's going on.."

"Uhhm." Mei spoke as she stayed completely still with the gun pressed up against her head. Zero put is hand under he chin and turned her head towards him so he could look at her. Mei's deep blue eyes stared at him with tears in her eyes.. "Zero..." She sniffed putting her arms around him, giving him a hug.. "I've missed you so much!!"

"Why am I crying?"

Zero stood their with his eyes wide open.. Mei leaned out and stared at him as he was still pointing the gun at her but slowly out his guard down. "....m- who are you." Said zero in a stiff tone. "You.. Don't remember..?" Said Mei looking up at him with tears in her eyes.. "Zero.. It's me.." Said Mei giving him a smile as the tears in her eyes sparkled like diamonds.

Mei reached to grab something around her neck.. A necklace with a small moon stone on it as she held it in her hands. "Zero.. You brought me this.." Sniffed Mei "Mei...?" Said zero looking down at her with a shocked look on his face. "Yes!!" Said Mei smiling back up at him. "What are you..-?" Said Zero looking her necklace. "Zero i-" Mei stopped as she felt something pull her towards Zero and held her tightly with her head up against his chest clutching her.

As zero let go he stepped back and looked at her. "How are you still-"

"Hey Zero what are you doing out here with the new transfer student?" As Yuuki was running towards them she noticed the colour of Mei's eyes were a deep blue and she had tears in her eyes. Yuuki paused for a minute. "W-wait...." She said looking at Mei "MEI????!" She yelled running up to her and giving her the biggest hug "Mei.. Why did you leave us.." Said Yuuki starting to cry "we thought you were dead..!?!" Cried Yuuki hanging on to Mei.


"But why would I be dead..?" Said Mei to Yuuki patting her head.. "K-Kaname.. He said you died during that night.." Sobbed Yuuki "he what." Said Mei. "Please.. Come back to headmasters office with us!" Said Yuuki hopping off Mei..

"I'm so happy your back with us" Said Yuuki smiling walking next to Mei and Zero.

Vampire Knight: A Truebloods story vol.1Where stories live. Discover now