True bloods part- 1

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Mei is now on patrol just outside the gate to the night class dorms

"True blood.. True blood, true blood, true blood.. What's a true blood!" Mei says to herself walking around a tree. "Mei." Says Zero as he walks toward the night class gates putting on his arm band. "Yeah..?" "You know how we were in the bathroom and I told you that I had to tell you something, well I don't really need to tell you something I just have to ask you something." Says Zero looking around. "Uh sure what is it?" Questioned Mei looking at him strangely. "I just wanted to know some things about you.. So we can be friends, and stuff" said Zero trying to not make anything awkward. "Uh.. Okay then" said Mei looking at him suspiciously. "Uh, how many family members are in your family..?" Asked Zero. "It's just me, I think." Said Mei "your the only child?" Said Zero "no I mean I'm the only person left in my family possibly." Said Mei looking at her fingers. "Oh.." Said Zero "I was about 8 when I last saw them. They told me to go to this family's house that my parents were friends with. But once I got there, there was no one. I did see people leave that house, and there was a boy.." Said Mei "anyways I shouldn't be bringing up that. Aha sorry to babble on like that." Smiled Mei. Zero stood there for a bit trying to figure something out. "Wait..." Said Mei thinking about what she just said "YOU LOOK JUST LIKE THAT LITTLE BOY!" Yelled Mei. "Uh what." Said Zero trying to act causal "I didn't tell you everything that happened.." Said Mei looking at Zero. "The was a lady and your brother Ichiru! I remember! I was going to the Kiryu's house and I saw you on the ground covered in blood then the lady and Ichiru left, and I walked in and helped you.. But then people started to show up at the house and I ran away leaving you there.." Said Mei surprised she remembered that much in detail. Zero looked at Mei "How did you know my family?!" Yelled Zero towards Mei "I- I don't know!? I was only 8!?" Said Mei scared " I'm- I'm leaving!" Said mei panicking about how Zero yelled at her "wait" Said Zero grabbing her hand "let go of me!" Yelled Mei as she tried getting out of Zeros grip. Zero let go of Mei's hand and hugged her Mei stop struggling and stood there in Zero's arms with her head against his chest. Zero slowly let go of her "you saved my life that day.. You stopped the bleeding." Said Zero. "U-uh..." Said mei as he vision slowly went blurry "Mei? Mei you alright?" Asked Zero "huh?" Said Mei "you looked a little bit-" "I'm fine, I'm fine" said Mei slowly moving out of Zeros arms.

Later on that evening: in the head masters lounge room

"I heard your joining us for dinner!" Said Yuuki sitting at the table "yeah.." Smiled Mei "I think Mei should have dinner with us a lot more~!" Said the head master in the kitchen. "Yeah, it would be better if it wasn't just Yuuki and the head master." Added Zero from the other side of the table. "what did you say!?" Said Yuuki death glaring at Zero "hahaha!" Laughed Mei "oh! Yuuki.. I need you ask you a question" said Mei smiling at her. "Sure what is it!" Says Yuuki "what's a true blood?" "a true..blood?" Said Yuuki in a worried voice "how do you know what that is?" Said Yuuki nervously "I don't actually.." Said Mei "I've been having this dream for about two days now..." Says Mei as Zero sits up to listen "and there is this mans voice that I met along time ago who said to me 'I'm going to drink every last drop of blood in your body because you are half true blood..' It's scaring me.." Said Mei "HEADMASTER....." Yelled Yuuki freaking out "I'm sorry! I shouldn't talk about things like this" said Mei worried about what would happen "what is it yuuki~?" Said the headmaster as he walked into the lounge room with dinner ready "Mei said a 'man' said she was a true blood" says Yuuki scared. "I will get Kaname here right away" said headmaster cross in a serious voice as he walks to a telephone and calls Kaname. "w-what's going on?" Said Mei worried as she looked at Zero and Yuuki.

Vampire Knight: A Truebloods story vol.1Where stories live. Discover now