The transformation

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It was the night before the day of the transformation October the 3rd and Mei was laying in bed asleep

Mei was having a another dream but it wasn't like the one she was constantly waking up from. This dream was worser, she felt like she was falling though the air and landed on to the earth. As she hit the ground her whole body had a huge shock of pain. Mei felt like her body had just shattered into a million tiny pieces. As that happened Mei's eyes sprung open and started to panic as she felt the shattering sensation in her body. Mei's breathing increased which made her panic even more. Suddenly the pain stopped and Mei was all of a sudden unconscious.

4 hours later (6am ish) Mei is now a vampire...

Mei's eyes slowly open.. "H--- -!??!" Mei tried to speak but her throat was extremely dry. She slowly sat up on her bed and noticed the colour of her hair. It had turned to a dark grey colour. Her stomach feel empty and she realised that she was hungry... But not for food.. Mei held her hand up to her mouth and felt her teeth. "So it is true.." Mei thought "I have become one of these things.." As tears slowly fell out of her eyes.

There was a knock on the door "I sensed another vampire was present.." Said Zero walking in and decided to sit down next to Mei. "I like the colour of your hair.." Said Zero trying to cheer Mei up. Mei turned and looked at Zero she suddenly jumped onto him and pinned him down she didn't know what she was doing. Mei slowly bent down to his neck and bit into him. As Mei did that she could taste something that she has never tried before.. Blood. As she was swallowing Zero's blood she felt the emptiness inside her stomach disappear so she decided to get off him. Mei fell back onto her bed and laid there. "I'm..sorry.." Said Mei with tears streaming down her face. "Its ok.." mumbled Zero as she sat up after being pinned down. "You don't hate me now do you..?" Sobbed Mei "no I don't.." Said Zero looking at Mei. Mei sat up as she heard that "but I'm a Vampire.. Everyone's going to suffer because of me being a Trueblood.." Said Mei still crying. Zero moved over closer to her and leaned in and hugged Mei. "Your going to be alright.." He said Zero lifted his hand up and touched Mei's check rubbing away the tears. As he did that he slowly moved in and kissed her. Mei didn't move as he kissed she didn't know what to do. Zero moved out of the kiss and looked at her "I had to do that.." Said Zero as he stood up and put his hands in his pockets "I'll go get Yuuki and the Head master.." Says Zero as he walked out the door. Mei sat on her bed in her pyjamas blushing from when Zero kissed her. She stood up and walked over to her mirror and looked at the colour of her hair. "Why did it have to be dark gray.. " said Mei

"Mei!?" Yuuki exclaims as she runs though the door and hugs Mei. Mei was surprised she wasn't scared of her because of how she acted before when they found out she was a vampire. "Are you okay!? Did it hurt.. I felt the same when I turned.." Said Yuuki worried about Mei. "I'm.. Fine" says Mei she could smell everyone's blood that was in her room "I can smell your blood Yuuki.." Said Mei oddly "oh what? You can?" Said Yuuki surprised "maybe it's a power of being a Trueblood" "mmhmm" said Mei looking around. "Oh your hair colour!" Said Yuuki "it's just like Zeros but a little darker! It's looks good on you" smiled Yuuki. "Oh the head master wants to talk to all 3 of us.." Said Zero as he walked back into Mei's room looking at Yuuki and Mei. "Let's go~" says Yuuki.

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