A new start

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Mei rolled over onto her side as Yuuki kept pushing her around while she laid in bed. "Mei~ you do realise it's school today" Yuuki said trying to make her voice sound calm. "Why do I have to get up now..?" Mumbled Mei who was half asleep underneath her blankets. "It's only 1:30pm...I think" "it's 3:00.. And most of the vampires are already awake down stairs. "Hmmff... Is Zero down there..?" Mumbled Mei poking her head out of the blankets.

Mei just randomly talking to the reader

So this is my second year at Cross Academy and I'm apart of the night class now.. I've been in the night class for about 3 months now, also meant to be turning 17 this year.. And I still haven't found out much about 'Truebloods'. But during my time being a vampire a lot of stuff has happened. Oh and by the way Cross Academy is on summer break.

Now, back to the story (=ω)

"Well yeah..." Smirked Yuuki looking down at Mei whose eyes were all sparkly. "Since when did you start giving me hints that you like Zero..?" "U-uh I wouldn't say like crush like, I mean cause he's a good friends and stuff" mumbled Mei sitting up "well then let's go see him then" replied Yuuki "and do what?" Said Mei worried as she got out of her pyjamas "heh maybe we should go to that village not so far away from the school, and eat cake?" Asked Yuuki sitting on the edge of Mei's bed. "We could invite zeeerooo.." She added. Mei quickly started to blush "well it's not like I would care if he came of not. Mumbled Mei.

"Zeeerooo oh zeeerooo?" Yelled Yuuki as her and Mei walked down the night class stairs "mmhmm" said Zero quietly as he saw Yuuki and Mei in casual clothes for once. "Wanna come to that village with us?" Asked Yuuki looking at Zero then Mei then back again. "Uh... Sure" he mumbled. "Okay Mei, Zero.. Let's goo~!"

Btw guys sorry for the spare page.. I don't know how to delete it.. (ーー;)

Vampire Knight: A Truebloods story vol.1Where stories live. Discover now