Movies with Yuuki and Zero- extra chapter.

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It's around 11pm and the guardians have finished patrolling

"Hey! How about we watch some movies tonight!?" Exclaimed Yuuki "What kind of movies?" questioned Mei who was surprised Yuuki suggested such a thing. "I don't mind." Mumbled Zero "that's the spirit!" Said Yuuki excited. "What about you Mei?" "You didn't tell me what type of movies we were going to watch.." Mumbled Mei. "I don't know yet but come on I really wanna spend some time with you to together" winked Yuuki towards Mei pulling zero and Mei behind her.

Head masters lounge room ( yes there is a tv in there well obviously (ーー;) )

"Soo! You to just go sit over there on that two person couch.." Hinted Yuuki "and I'll sit over here." Mei and Zero gave each other a weird stare. (ー ー;) "what's she trying to do?" Whispered Mei to Zero. "I don't know but that face she's pulling is kinda creepy." Replied Zero. They both turned their heads in time and look at Yuuki who appeared to be daydreaming. "Uh.. Let's go sit on the couch.." Whispered Mei as they went to sit down. "Okay~! Now how 'bout we watch a romance movie first?!" Exclaimed Yuuki. "Uh-" said Zero "I'll take that as a yes!" Yuuki insisted "how about the LION KING!?" "That isn't a romance.. (-_-).." Said Mei "well it's got a lovey dovey song in it so how about it!" Replied Yuuki.

So the three of the ended up watching the lion king with Mei and Zero realising what Yuuki was trying to do.

(ー ー;) "this is painful to watch Yuuki try and do this.." Thought Mei who had to sit next to Zero. The movie had finished "awww such a shame, oh! Would you look at the time I better go off to bed?!" Yuuki said in a weird voice "good night you two!"

"Pfft.. What was that all about?!" Exclaimed Mei who was at the point of laughing. "That was so funny!" Said Mei looking up at Zero. "Hey.. Why do you have to be so tall.." Mei said as she stood on her tippy toes trying to match Zero's height. "Well.. I should probably go to bed to.." Said Zero looking at the door. "Yeah me to.." Replied Mei. Zero walked next to Mei and whispered "Yuuki is still at the door.. I think she expecting us to do something." "What? She is?" Whispers Mei back. "Heh come on we should probably go get some sleep" said Mei walking to the door. As she opened it Yuuki fell on the floor because she was leaning up against the door. "Hey Yuuki" smiled Mei "what's up?" Yuuki looked right and left "you did not see anything" and ran back to her dorm "haha well goodnight zer-" Mei stopped to notice Zero was hugging her. "I didn't want to do this while she was there" he said as he held her. "Oh.." Blushed Mei. "What should I do?! Should I hug him back? Or just stand there?!?!" Mei thought. Mei slowly put her arms around him. "Goodnight Zero" said Mei as she let go of him and started to walk away. "Wait" said Zero grabbing her hand as he leaned in and kissed her. "Goodnight" smiled Zero. "U-uh y-y-yeah" stuttered Mei as she wobbled back to her dorm.

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