Bonding Time with Yumi Cross?

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After a full chapter Mei finally decides to pack her stuff up?!?!

Mei was sitting her day class room on her bed with all of her things inside a few boxes next to her on her bed. "Shesh, they seem so close" thought Mei glaring at the floor "could I be starting to get jealous? No, of Course not." Mei stood up stacking the boxes on top of each other while picking them up and started walking out of the day class dorms and stumbled her way over to the night class dorms. "Wah!?!" Yelled Mei tripping over nothing and fell onto the concrete with the boxes spread out around her. "Ouch.." Mumbled Mei sitting up and looking at her knees. They were scratched up and blood started slowly leaking out of the scratches. At that moment yumi happened to be 10 metres away from Mei who was sitting in the ground with her hand over her knees.

"I'll just heal this right up." Hummed Mei and she held her knees for a few seconds then removed her hands revealing the scratches had disappeared. Mei stood up and noticed there was a bit of blood on her hand. "Ugh.. Really?" Sighed Mei as she licked her hand and wiped the rest on her skirt. "What the?" Thought yumi walking over to Mei "hey! you need some help?" Said yumi giving Mei a fake smile but looked really happy. "Oh yeah thank you!" Replied Mei picking up the boxes with yumi and headed back towards the night class dorms. "What's these boxes for?" Said yumi walking next to Mei "oh I'm moving into the night class dorms" sighed Mei "headmaster said its best for me." "Haha what do you mean?" Replied yumi looking at her with a strange look. "Uh.. Ahah nothing" smiled Mei with her fangs and at that moment yumi stopped walking and realised she was a vampire.

2 hours before Mei stared packing / headmasters lounge
"So Mei I want your stuff there by 5pm is that alright?" Asked the headmaster looking over at Mei, Yumi, Yuuki and Zero eating lunch "aha you can do classes with us again now Mei!" Smiled Yuuki "oh are you excited about the mid way formal that's coming up Mei!?" Said headmaster looking over at Mei "...what..?" Replied Mei completely clueless. "Oh haha it looks like it's the first time you've heard about it~!" Joked the headmaster. "U-UH.. When is i-i-it?" Stuttered Mei as she remembered what happened outside with Zero. "This Friday" mumbled zero as he looked over at Mei who looked terrified. "Haha no need to worry Mei it's so much fun!!" Smiled yumi "Yuuki, zero remember how we were all together when the whatsitcalledagain ball happened?" "Yes, I do.." Replied Zero "i sure do!!" Said Yuuki full of energy.

"Does everyone have to go..?" Questioned Mei almost hiding under the table. "It is a must for the night class students.. And you will be joining them soon" said headmaster. "Huh?" Said yumi "oh hahaha nothing" smiled Yuuki.

"ive heard from yuuki you have a crush on Zero." Smiled Yumi looking at Mei "u-uh what?" Said Mei immediately standing up. "Heh well I'm going to go pack my stuff up alright.." Sighed Mei leaving Yumi, Yuuki and Zero behind her and walked out the door, heading towards the day class dorms.

Back to where Yumi and Mei are picking up the boxes.

"U-u-Uh.." Said Yumi dropping the boxes in her hands and reaching into her coat and pulling out that shiny gun inside her coat pocket. "Vampire!?" Said Yumi pointing the Mei "huh?" Said Mei surprised "oh I'm sorry." Mumbled Mei bowing "I thought you already knew since you are the headmasters daughter.." "What are you bowing for?" Replied Yumi slowly putting down her gun. "Well then.. I guess I'll fully introduce myself again." Sighed Mei "sorry for dropping your stuff" said Yumi bending down and stacking them up then finally picking them up. "Ah.. Don't worry about it.." Smiled Mei. "She is really nice for a vampire.. I didn't even sense her being a vampire.." Thought Yumi as she started walking. "Well I'm a Trueblood Vampire and I tend to try and not drink human blood as much as possible." Said Mei as they reached the moon dorms gates. "A Trueblood? How have you survived without blood? Questioned Yumi "well Truebloods can have blood but I wouldn't need another feed for two months but when I do.. The hunger is unbearable.. But I've found something that can let me not feed for five months.. But I don't know what happens with that hunger kicks in again" mumbled Mei as she stopped at the night class dorms, putting the boxes on the floor and opening up the door. "Sorry but I'll continue on from here" smiled Mei looking at Yumi at the bottom of the steps "see you tomorrow then" replied Yumi walking off.

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