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"Hehehe~!" Giggled Yuuki clutching Mei's arm. "Hmm I still seem to forget that Yuuki is a vampire isn't she?" The three of them headed down the hallway to the headmasters office. "Hey Mei? Are you still a school guardian?" Asked yuuki opening the door to headmasters office. "Yeah, I'll continue being a guardian" smiled Mei looking down at yuuki.

"Mei's back." Stated Zero as they walked in. "Aww Zero.. I wanted to tell him that." Sighed yuuki as they sat down at the table. "What are the three of you doing here?!" Exclaimed headmaster "go back on patrol all three of you, nice to see your back Mei 'Takane' go grab your arm band and we will talk about your position with day class" said the headmaster. "Thank you sir" smiled Mei as she ran down the hall to get her band.

Back OUTSIDE on moon dorms balcony.

"Sooo Mei you gunna tell us why you left and everything?" Said yuuki waiting for her to start explaining. "Mmm.. Yeah sure I guess" said Mei acting laid back. "Prepare to fall asleep"

"So the night when I went insane, yeah I have this 'other' side you might call it. Ive gotten it taken care of so don't worry, yeah well I sorta just jumped out of the window and left." Said Mei. "THAT CANT BE ALL OF IT???" Yelled yuuki. "Well what else would you like to know, you two can go ahead and ask me questions if you feel like It. Replied Mei.

"What happened after you left?" Asked yuuki "well.. A few days later I met a vampire who owns a bookstore in England through email and I decided to go to meet them, I stayed with her at the bookstore for a few days and found some ancient Trueblood books and decided to start studying. Later on that night that friend tried to kill me for my blood. So I killed her and just did her job but the opposite way." Sighed Mei. "You what???" Exclaimed yuuki "you killed her?? But that's what common vampires do.." "Well it turns out I can survive without blood for a few months and also can survive off coffee, a perticular type of coffee that takes 50 minutes to make."

"Can other vampires drink this 'coffee'?" Zero mumbled "well yes, but it's a lot more complicated to make and I've only made two proper servings when I've failed about 20 times. But if you two would like I could start practising to make them so you two won't need to drink blood that much." Smiled Mei.

"So how was the two years I was gone, what did you two get up to?" Said Mei walking over to lean against the brick wall. "Ahh.. Well zero has gotten more angrier then when he was 16" giggled Yuuki zero looked up and glared at yuuki "I think he was more nicer when you were with us, I also thought he had a small crush on you back then" whispered yuuki "aha Zero having a crush on someone?!" Laughed Mei saying it quite loudly "what?" Zero said in his usual tone. "Sooo zero Yuuki's saying you had a crush on me 2 years ago" smirked Mei nudging zeros arm "remember how you kis-" zero stopped her by putting his hand over her mouth "ooh zero your hands are smooth" giggled Mei removing his hand from her face and holding it in hers. "Awwh Mei still likes Zero.." Said yuuki looking at the two.

Zero looked down and saw him holding her hand. "Don't do that." He said and shook her hand off his.

Vampire Knight: A Truebloods story vol.1Where stories live. Discover now