twenty six

204 11 7

karen sat on a separate couch away from michael, lauren, tyla, and nick as pete was getting his dinner. "why didn't you tell me this? was this going to be a secret until you got a baby bump?" nick rushed.

"no offense, mum, but you're too old to be having another child! by the time it reaches five you guys will be in retirement homes." michael speaks, looking at them, wanting to laugh because he knows he's exaggerating.

"that's rude, stop." lauren giggles from behind, staring at him. "seriously stop."

"michael im only 56."

"and your point is?"

"you know what? this is ridiculous. just accept the fact she's pregnant and going to ignore us all for pete and the fetus in her stomach." tyla exclaims, michael agreeing.

"where does dad live? did he move too?" michael asks, looking at karen.

"he still lives in the same house, michael, but please-"

lauren and michael were out of the door by the time she got to please. lauren felt like she shouldn't be here, so she stopped. "michael, i shouldn't be here, this is your family business. i can go home."

he hugs her, tears wanting to pour from his eyes. "you don't understand, laur. when she divorced my father, she payed no attention to me. then when pete came along, she payed no attention to the other two kids, tyla and nick. that's when i started sneaking out and never coming back."

"mikey, stop." lauren breathes, knowing he's going to cry. tyla walks out the door, tugging on his sleeve.

"can i go back to sydney with you? at least until i find my own place, i-i can't stay here."

"yeah sure. take the key to the house because we're going to my dad's house." he spoke, wiping his tears.

kissing his lips tenderly, she smiles. "michael clifford, i fucking love you."

he laughs, "i love you too laurie."


they reached his fathers house, seeing that one light was still on. "im going to do what i did on halloween." michael laughs.

"what did you do?" lauren asked, hoping it was nothing illegal. as they reach the backyard, michael runs, pushed his foot off the the tree trunk, and grappling on to the thick branch. "that was awesome, and you look like a monkey."

michael swings back and forth, until he gets the strength to pull himself up so he can get onto the roof. "don't fall! be careful!"

"shut up lauren. don't be that girlfriend." he chuckles, lauren pouting playfully. "but i love you."

"yeah whatever."

michael knocks on the bedroom window multiple times, his father scared to open it. daryl grabs a bat, then goes to open it. as soon as he pushed open the brown curtain, michael screamed making daryl scream, and then both of them laughing.

"you're so lucky i haven't seen you in so long or id hit you with that bat." daryl spoke, opening the window so michael could climb in.

"go open the front door, my girlfriend is down there." michael said. "lauren, go to the front door."



my bum hurts

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